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JaKr8 t1_j6d17rz wrote

Quality of life is important, especially if you can pay the bills.

Is your col going up or down in NC?

Will you be able to comfortably live on your own in NC? If things don't work out and you move out on your own will you be able to afford it? I'm not hoping that will happen but something like that is always a possibility.... At least strictly from a financial standpoint you have to be able to handle that..

Also consider, will you have the same quality of life overall if you move to North Carolina and things don't work out? Will you enjoy living there verses where you are now?

Once you are Out there you can Always jump ship to a new job if $$ is an issue. But then your work/quality of life ratio could change .

But with a potential recession looming I'd stay with your current employer, you can always bail a year from now.