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[deleted] OP t1_j6p5azp wrote


[deleted] OP t1_j6p5qk4 wrote

No diversification only serves to lower risk- if done correctly. To increase risk, concentrate your position. This could increase or decrease return greatly over time from a diversified portfolio. Diversified portfolios spread out your assets and make long term investing outcomes much more narrow.


[deleted] OP t1_j6p5t6i wrote

If you have less than $250k buy a couple index funds and move on with your day. Keep buying every month. It’s that simple.


nolesrule t1_j6p7e81 wrote

Diversification decreases risk for a given return. Concentration increases risk. Don't confuse holding a collection of funds with diversification. Adding international to US increases diversification because your investment is spread among more stocks. Adding US small cap to a US total market index is concentrating in small cap because total US already includes small cap.


Fenderstratguy t1_j6p6srp wrote

It is the opposite - do DECREASE risk. The person who can do the most damage to your investments is YOU. If diversifying into a solid mixture of stocks/bonds/REITS etc helps to decrease volatility - it will prevent you from throwing in the towel and selling your stocks if the market takes a 30-40-50% dive. A proper asset allocation will allow you to sleep well at night no matter what the market is doing.