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lobsangr t1_j6p37i9 wrote

It shows a different date because It became a collection so pretty much a "new" account.
Uhmm when it comes to legal action I believe what you owe is not enough for them to prosecute it because of the cost involved with this procedure. This will be on your credit for the next 7 years and I am not really sure if it will affect your immigration status.

Dave Ramsey recommends not to pay collection agencies anything since they're buying your debt on the pennies for every dollar. So for example they bought your 3200$ for 600$, and their profit is the difference. This debt will be increasing since they will be adding late fees and some other stuff to it.


ex-veggian OP t1_j6pec1y wrote

Thanks for taking time to respond. I wish calling them to negotiate wouldn't reset the statute of limitations. I could give them a call and ask them if we could work something out. I'm afraid to call them, I'm also afraid not to call them as well. I guess I'll wait for the court date and tell the judge I don't have anything. I'm not worried about the collection agency and the court date but this having an affect on immigration process is really worrying.

Thanks again.