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Vegetable_Alarm1552 t1_j6lgpza wrote

Would be helpful to know how much you have saved. With that said, don’t borrow against the 401k. You’re only $6k in debt.

Don’t listen to the “baby industrial complex”. You don’t need anything other than a bassinet for your child. They sleep 16 hours a day and eat/drink food you produce. They live in the bassinet or your arms for at least 3 months. Then maybe they need a mat to lump around on and do tummy time. That covers 6 months. You’ll need diapers; maybe formula. You’ll need a car seat. Graco 4 in 1 is good until the kid goes to college. Get a stroller. Going on walks is free, good exercise and good for bonding as a family.

They’ll make you think you need way more than you do. Live simply!


FWF_scripta t1_j6m67ay wrote

>Graco 4 in 1 is good until the kid goes to college



DoubleHexDrive t1_j6n8hsv wrote

I swear I raised three toddlers in a battery powered swing. Slept great in that thing. MVP of the baby years.


coldbloodedcreatures OP t1_j6lgz9s wrote

I have saved $1005 thus far. Ok yes you’re right about borrowing from the 401k. And yes most of the stuff for the baby will be purchased by our family too and you’re absolutely right they really don’t need much. I can’t believe how much overpriced BS there is out there!!!