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TeslaSaganTysonNye t1_j6o8g4s wrote

Rent a place for 4 years and call it a day.


UltimatePlayer3301 OP t1_j6o9b1j wrote

I looked at the cost of places to rent in the area, and it looks like it would be about the same cost, meaning it would cost about the same as buying room and board at the college. By potentially buy a house, we would pay less than half.


The_Trustable_Fart t1_j6od6ys wrote

Look up the "hidden costs" of owning a home. When you rent and the furnace goes out you call your landlord and they are obligated to restore heat in a timely manner. When the heat goes out in your house all of that is your headache and responsibility.

If one of you is able to get a mortgage alone it might be a better route