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plowt-kirn t1_j6jvojn wrote

Studies have shown that most active managers underperform their targets (net of fees) over the long term.

If it’s a small percentage of your overall assets and if it makes you feel better, go ahead. But I wouldn’t put more than 5-10% of my long term assets in actively managed funds.


luvz2splooge_69 t1_j6mux07 wrote

I believe it’s 80-90% of active funds underperform the indexes after fees, etc. Plus your tax liability is going to be higher with an active fund


Catchthedisc OP t1_j6jwu4s wrote

Thank you. I does make me feel better to have 1 fund where someone is minding the store. I hear you on keeping it a small part of my portfolio.


bkweathe t1_j6m5d8w wrote

With an index fund, thousands of someones are minding the store & we investors don't have to pay them