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GooFoYouPal t1_j9ph6d5 wrote

> District Attorney Krasner, a former defense attorney like El-Shabazz, said last week that he had been aware of El-Shabazz’s criminal defense work and that his office did not view it as a legal conflict.

They’re literally all in cahoots.


emet18 t1_j9qkyfi wrote

Waiting to see how the Krasneristas defend this one.

Look, I don’t like the guy’s policies. But this is separate from that. He is just a bad, unethical attorney. File this under the same category as all the stories about enormous office turnover, getting rebuked for incompetence on the record by a judge, accepting enormous amounts of money from out-of-state donors, etc. Donald Trump levels of comically apparent corruption, ineptitude, and belief that the rules don’t apply to you.


1up t1_j9qnebx wrote

Krasner is right that it is not automatically a conflict of interest under the PA rules of professional conduct that govern attorneys even if it is a clear violation of the ethical rules that El-Shabazz is subject to. Not sure what else you would expect Krasner to say eitherr as it is not his job to enforce the city ethics code.


flamehead2k1 t1_j9qp1dw wrote

Probably not his job to enforce but my employer requires me to report ethics violations by other employees, vendors, or clients.

I would hope government that the same is expected of government employees.


mikebailey t1_j9rhxza wrote

Lawyers absolutely don’t operate under this. Ethics violations in front of the bar are way more serious than workplace violations and there’s a consensus of “don’t report them and you won’t get dragged into your own shit”

Is that fair? Nah. Is Krasner at all rare for it? Heelllll no.


flamehead2k1 t1_j9tv4pr wrote

>“don’t report them and you won’t get dragged into your own shit”

This is what moral bankruptcy looks like.


ArcherChase t1_j9q375b wrote

You see... He plays both sides. That way he always comes out on top.


GooFoYouPal t1_j9pfay8 wrote

> In an interview on radio station WURD earlier this month, Bilal dismissed the El-Shabazz story (and an unrelated story on a $6,600 office party at sports bar Chickie’s & Pete’s) as sensationalized and motivated by the termination of an advertising contract.

This fucking city.


Kalipolis t1_j9pqlzz wrote

The sheriff’s office is pretty pointless to be honest and may not conflict with him doing criminal defense work. The entire office should just get rolled into an office under the mayor, there would actually be some accountability as the mayor generally doesn’t want to look bad but a row office elected official doesn’t care as long as the machine bosses are happy.


ParallelPeterParker t1_j9q5msn wrote

On some level, it actually doesn't matter if it doesn't actually conflict if the appearance of conflict is there (and I think it is).

Counsel to a law enforcement body also serving as a counsel to various criminal defendants is about as close as you can get to appearing to be conflicted without actually being so (in a particular case). The Ethics Board makes a point of this in annual presentations to City Staff.

To that point, this statement by Krasner is one of the most shocking things I've ever seen a high profile and actually legitimate attorney say:

>“There’s a difference between an actual legal conflict and something that people might interpret as a conflict because there’s an appearance of impropriety,” Krasner said. “That is all completely separate from whether or not there’s an ethical issue.”

ETA: All to say, if you work for the public, I expect you to seriously consider the implications of even appearing to have a conflict. Moreover, if you want to ask, you can request an ethics opinion first. Obviously, he didn't do that.


PhillyPanda t1_j9req1q wrote

It should need to be disclosed and vetted. It doesn’t have to amount to a conflict in the end but it has to be on record and looked at to decide.


FordMaverickFan t1_j9qosm0 wrote

Seth Williams former right hand man who failed to chart in the DAO race that Krasner won.

Our city government is just the worst people in a circle.


JBizznass t1_j9piv0n wrote

It’s honestly amazing that an administration that took over after a known habitual sexual harasser is somehow even more ethically fucked in. Ugg


napsdufroid t1_j9pxm1k wrote

His ass should've been fired, then fined


MagnusUnda t1_j9q1kfm wrote

The bar association should censure him, possibly suspend his license


fyo_karamo t1_j9r9r4y wrote

Keep voting the same way expecting different results. This city will remain the poorest with the lowest economic development prospects of any big city, keeping our black and brown communities impoverished with the worst education and outlook in America. If THAT’S not institutional racism, I don’t know what is.


Xiubee t1_j9tiv74 wrote

What the hell is an Undersheriff? I’ve never even heard of this position before.