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hic_maneo t1_j6x6ixf wrote

Does the BCGP do… anything?


PhillyAccount t1_j6x6vpa wrote

Advocate for rail trails in the suburbs


Prestigious-Owl-6397 t1_j70cfdh wrote

I'm from the suburbs, and I honestly don't like the rail trails because I'm a commuter cyclist. These trails never connect to anything important, so I have to use the roads. Drivers then bitch at me to get off the road, but I don't work in the park...The only thing they're good for is recreation.


[deleted] t1_j6xb3tj wrote



RoverTheMonster t1_j6xqk9d wrote

I’m asking this seriously bc I genuinely don’t know: what could they have done besides grovel to city council?


magellan315 t1_j6y1m8d wrote

The BCGP could have easily engaged in protests using bicycle rides. Unfortunately the City Council has a tendency to punish organizations and their goals when that happens. The BCGP used to engage in protests, now they are lobbyists using an "educate and inform" methodology which inevitably leaving cyclists as a whole get the short end of the stick.


adwvn t1_j7i7l8f wrote

You would have to organize a take over of the BCGP and overhaul it top-to-bottom. Those people's number one goal is to pat politicians on the back for doing jack shit. I'd recommend starting a different organization with the mission of fostering direct action.


magellan315 t1_j7i8w3o wrote

Its a great idea except the only other organization I can think of is 5th Square who is in league with the BCGP. I was involved in one attempt and it fell apart pretty quickly.


adwvn t1_j7iaqos wrote

If you are very activist minded, there are things that can be done on a small scale and get quite a bit of attention. Like, getting like 5 people together that have loud voices, and bombarding the Mayor or Council members when they hold speaking functions. One person records, and one after the other activists take turns confronting the politician and interrupting them. When everyone goes in with courage and good talking points, your video has the potential to get a lot of publicity.

Or on a truly revolutionary scale, organize a town hall where a new city charter is drafted and the Mayor and Council are dismissed.


magellan315 t1_j7ibe15 wrote

Good idea. I probably more comfortable as an army of 1 and see where it goes from there.


adwvn t1_j7ibv88 wrote

I have a loud voice and like yelling at authority figures. My services are always available to those supporting a good cause.


magellan315 t1_j7ij93q wrote

Thanks I have some ideas based on what has happened in other cities. I'll see what the next few months bring.


[deleted] t1_j6xrq8t wrote



adwvn t1_j7i6ny6 wrote

You are absolutely correct. I have brought up these exact points many times to these people. And they HATE hearing it. The bicycle coalition is not friendly to folks who want to protest or pressure politicians. The same with 5th Street, which is really just a PAC run by a man raising money to benefit the interests of private developers. These people will shut you out of their org if you challenge their lack of vision and urgency.