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coolranchplease t1_jacnt2g wrote

Not moving but frequently working with tenants in Harrowgate, Nicetown-tioga, Strawberry Mansion, etc. My actual job would take a while to explain but I'm in different parts of North Philly almost every day and I'm not from the city at all.

I've heard people say that these areas can get dicey, but are they safe during the day? I typically visit these areas on weekdays between 9am and 4pm and haven't had a problem, but there's always a sense of uneasiness if I'm being honest.

I dress down (jeans and a hoodie), stay off my phone, mind my business, etc. I don't want to be overly-paranoid but I also don't want to be naive. I'm a fairly large guy so perhaps that helps, but any tips? Or am I being nervous for nothing? Thanks!


okjkay t1_jacyrgu wrote

I used to be a social worker and was out in every neighborhood taking SEPTA (including north philly) all the time by myself with no issues. I'm a small white lady and obviously out of place so people either could tell I was a social worker or sometimes thought I was L&I. I always felt safe. The worst that would happen to me would be catcalling or old men offering me rides.

Tips? Know where you're going so you don't look super lost. Say a friendly hi if you're passing by people sitting out on their steps.


coolranchplease t1_jae4m5b wrote

Thank you for your reply. That 100% made me feel like I'm overthinking it. I'm just not a city guy and I guess I've fallen for the preconceptions like most outsiders.

I'm not usually on foot for more than a block or so, and I never stick around past sundown which I'm sure helps. But kudos to you. That gave me a great perspective, in fact I'm a little ashamed of myself! I wish you the best.


courageous_liquid t1_jadciwm wrote

I often do work in those neighborhoods (civil engineering) on foot for 8ish hours at a time.

>I dress down (jeans and a hoodie), stay off my phone, mind my business, etc. I don't want to be overly-paranoid but I also don't want to be naive. I'm a fairly large guy so perhaps that helps, but any tips? Or am I being nervous for nothing?

Absolutely normal to make sure you're not being totally oblivious on your phone and the like, just like basically anywhere else. If you're going to be working in the same few places there's probably gonna be some guys outside you should say hi to if you're going to be working in close proximity. Vest/hardhat and clipboard help, but obviously not required if that's not part of your job.

Generally people don't want issues.


coolranchplease t1_jae3c2v wrote

Thanks, I would agree with that last sentence. Most folks are nice.. I say hi to people who are outside if they look at me but mostly I just look straight ahead and spend as little time between my car and the house I'm entering as possible. Again - maybe I'm over thinking it.

Also there have been times where I've avoided large groups (more than 2 or 3 people) but some part of me thinks that if I cross the street I'll offend someone and start an altercation.

I just want to be as low key as possible and not ruffle any feathers. And for the 100th time - I'm not trying to sound like a total chicken or be insulting to the area


courageous_liquid t1_jaentte wrote

Yeah it's less of a go out of your way to be nice and more of a what's good acknowledgement.

Crossing the street is meh unless it's a group of like 13 year olds. Any mixed group of 13 year olds is insane anywhere on the planet.

Also if you haven't, learn what a trap house looks like. Was able to get some good looks by knowing what was going on and nipping any issues about why I was there in the bud. A few times that favor was returned by them telling me I should take a walk for a few hours or something if a shipment was late.