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hdhcnsnd t1_j7d81iz wrote

Fuck that cobblestone on the SRT though.

If Shawmont reopens I might start taking regional there from CC when I want to ride the SRT. Would be good to avoid the upcoming MLK detour nonsense and the Manayunk Tow Path.


Melcheroni t1_j7dixs3 wrote

As far as I know the plans are just to rehab the building not add it as a stop on the line. You could always get off at the Miquon stop which is a little further up if you want to ride SRT, it’s also trail adjacent


WoodenInternet t1_j7ek1b0 wrote

Hmm..In that case are they just rehabbing to make it a museum or something? Seems like a waste to rehab it just to be ornamental if that's what they're doing.


MeEvilBob t1_j7eodkw wrote

The building needs a lot of work, rehabing it to be ornamental still means saving it from eventually just collapsing. Even if they re-do the whole thing with a nice exterior and leave the interior empty, they'll still have to have everything up to code, which will make a future use for the building a lot easier.


WoodenInternet t1_j7eqbwd wrote

Fair point. I just hope it's not rehabbed and left to sit unused for another lengthy period and it ends up needing rehab again. Would be kinda cool to make it a museum a caretaker could live in, like the old station family did.


mortgagepants t1_j7fo411 wrote

it would be cool if they made it into like...a place to stop on the trail. toilets, place to fill your water bottle, big maps, maybe some bike tools.


Hashslingingslashar t1_j7hg5k2 wrote

That’s the idea I think. That + a little café


mortgagepants t1_j7hkwtu wrote

i hate that cafe BS. i don't want a $5 cappuccino after a run or a bike ride. just pay an attendant to keep the place tidy and stock the vending machines. good grief.


John_EightThirtyTwo t1_j7j5rwj wrote

OK, but do you mind if I buy a cappuccino? I mean, I agree that you shouldn't be forced to buy one.

I guess my view is that cappuccino should be neither compulsory nor prohibited.


Hashslingingslashar t1_j7jbtws wrote

Can’t upvote this enough. People are so quick to hate on things other people want when it barely affects them and I don’t get it.


mortgagepants t1_j7kkmxm wrote

No, I don't mind at all if anyone buys cappuccino. what bothers me is they use tax payer money to fix it, which i'm fine with, but then they just expect the opening, closing, cleaning, and maintenance to be done by..."cafe".

except whomever owns the cafe expects it to make a profit. so now the water bottle filling things dont work, because they make more money selling bottles of water. now they're only open a few hours a day, because that is the busiest time. after a season or two, it is basically a tax-payer funded private business building that nobody who isn't free saturday afternoons between 9-3 can use.

i would love to go on a nice long run and finish with an espresso and a beer, but not at the expense of everyone else in the general public.


solipsisticsundays t1_j7di5pr wrote

Can’t count how many times I’ve almost ate shit on those with my cleats clipped in or have seen people take spills not expecting them.


indoninjah t1_j7dluzt wrote

That and those damn blocks stopping cars from getting on the trail. Gotta go like 0.5mph on that spot lol. Tough as hell if you’re riding back from Conshohocken Brewery too 😂


TheTwoOneFive t1_j7dp5q5 wrote

And then the towpath has that random concrete block jutting out into the path for the past 6ish months. Any idea why that is there?


d_stilgar t1_j7dqc6l wrote

I hate that one. It’s barely big enough for a single bike and that area has too much gravel to do a quick downhill stop safely if you have to avoid or wait for anyone.


Past_Celebration7084 t1_j7fkpcp wrote

Which one the one by the construction going on by the dam, or the one by Shaw mount station with the cobblestones. I have to bob and weave on my bike.


TheTwoOneFive t1_j7fm0er wrote

The dam one - the Shawmont station --> trail connection stinks, but at least the blocks there have a purpose (stopping cars from getting on the trail). I have no idea what purpose the dam one serves.


Starpork t1_j7ddkxb wrote

What's happening with MLK?


hdhcnsnd t1_j7dmydg wrote

The bridge will be closing for construction until 2025. That’s going to close MLK to everyone, as well as the SRT from the skatepark to the water works until then.


d_stilgar t1_j7dqkcj wrote

Will is just be the bridge that will close? I could see the rest of MLK still being open for out and back rides or local access for cars during the week.


Max_Powers42 t1_j7e0u6i wrote

I forget the timeline, but they're also closing Falls Bridge for 2 years for repairs soon. So you could still get on MLK at Sweetbriar, Montgomery, or Strawberry Mansion, but it's going to be a lot less useful.


fondots t1_j7eslp0 wrote

The cobblestones and the damn hill.

I admit it, I'm a fatass, started riding a bike this year to do something about that, and that hill was kicking my ass a bit (and it'll probably start kicking my ass again when the weather warms up because I've been slacking off over the winter)


hethuisje t1_j7fzen1 wrote

I love imagining a mad trail scientist designing this section of the trail for people heading outwards from the city. "First I'll have a little uphill to slow 'em down, then a lip of pavement that the people have to have enough momentum to get over. Then, BOOM, cobblestones! Then some giant rocks that they have to find a path between while other people come barreling through downhill in the opposite direction. Bwa ha ha!"