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uptown_gargoyle t1_ja2w8gg wrote

Life hack: can also get water straight from the faucet at home.

On the other hand, is a reasonable person supposed to trust the EPA and the grocery chain when they tell us that this water is safe to drink? I'm actually asking.

ETA: I'm asking because it seems like if we had a functional regulatory framework then the derailment wouldn't have happened in the first place


MRichards18 t1_ja2zyv3 wrote

Considering there are fuck loads of microplastics in your tap water, no tap water is probably GOOD to drink, but this is america where corporations rule and you get to slowly die from their greed.


ThatWasTheJawn t1_ja32b6z wrote

You can get filters. The Brita Long Last filters out most micro plastics.


stonkautist69 t1_ja3fqj9 wrote

Don’t worry the future will be better corporations will have solutions for the problems they have created, to buy of course unless you want ads on your rx script you can select that option as well


ktappe t1_ja523d7 wrote

You can't paint all tap water with a broad brush like this.


oramirite t1_ja3hhj5 wrote

This wasn't the question .. we all know shit is bad, but his question wasn't "is shit bad?" it was wether or not the Ohio crash made this water quality much WORSE than already.


mbz321 t1_ja5v1oj wrote

bottled water is less regulated than tap tho.


aoeudhtns t1_ja4b5ms wrote

I trust that they're working within frameworks they already have. Like when BPA blew up, lots of assurances that it was safe and tons of manufacturers saying their levels were "below allowed," completely sidestepping the issue that the question is: are the allowed levels even safe?

Similarly here, many of these chemicals don't have allowable levels or it's not known if the allowed amount is the right number. So someone certainly can say that the water being tested is passing tests. It's avoiding the question that the tests aren't right.

But ysk that EPA controls for city tap water are MUCH more rigorous than bottled water.


UnitGhidorah t1_ja3tskn wrote

Don't trust them. They will choose capital over human lives every time. They'll assess the risk, if it's low vs the profit, they'll choose profits.


General_Coast_1594 t1_ja66803 wrote

Philly has some of the best water in the world! If you need filtered buy a britta