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mexheavymetal t1_j9k5tbe wrote

At this point Helen Gym is a dead end candidate. All talk, no substance, no planning, and for all the posturing and holier than thou arrogance she has, her husband is an attorney for a company that helped perpetuate the opioid epidemic. As far as I’m concerned this mayoral election is between Rhynhart and Domb.


99centstalepretzel t1_j9k7ioa wrote

I've followed Helen Gym's trajectory ever since she worked at Asian Americans United (when there was talk about casinos being built in Chinatown), and when the Asian students at South Philly High took their case to the DoJ. I'm disappointed and sad at what's she's become (maybe it's always been like that, without the gift of hindsight), but not surprised at all. The fact that some of those kids who took their case to the DoJ are now adults who work in public service/community organizing/nonprofit/advocacy and who are giving back to their communities is no coincidence to her impact.

We could have had it all...🎶

EDITED TO ADD: A few words.


ConfiaEnElProceso t1_j9kln8w wrote

Excuse the ignorance but what do you mean? You seem to imply that you used to support Gym but are now disappointed by her. What changed in your opinion?


internet_friends t1_j9l5df9 wrote

I'm not the person who wrote that comment but I do like Helen Gym and do not plan to vote for her for mayor. I agree with the previous commenter that I really liked her start into politics and my values align closely with hers; I also like the focus she puts on Philly's school system, which is a fucking trainwreck. With that said, I don't plan to vote for her because I haven't seen any substantial plans from her on how she'd tackle a variety of issues if she was mayor. I was also extremely put off about the whole Union League debacle and finding out about her husband/that pharma bill from 2019. I think the most off-putting thing about her to me is that much of her platform is built on accountability, which I find extremely important, but haven't seen her take much accountability herself.


KFCConspiracy t1_j9or1h7 wrote

> I also like the focus she puts on Philly's school system

Well, for what it's worth, without fixing the state's school funding formula, that's probably not getting fixed either. There's been some progress on that front through the courts, but the mayor and city council don't have much power to fix that. Hell, we didn't even have a locally controlled schoolboard until very recently.


internet_friends t1_j9orgo9 wrote

Oh, it's a mess. I'm with you - one person cannot solve Philly's education crisis. But I do love the focus Gym puts on the school district, and admire her for trying.


KFCConspiracy t1_j9otj9m wrote

I think the more serious candidates talk about the funding crisis and tell those harder truths about it. I think the more in touch someone is with the reality of it the more likely the problem is to get solved.


TheNightmareOfHair t1_j9ley5o wrote

This may not be what "accountability" looks like to you but FWIW she apologized swiftly & publicly for the Union League debacle.


internet_friends t1_j9lg4rc wrote

I saw that apology. I wasn't a huge fan. She basically said "I attended, and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I have opposed the Union League for a long time. I'll continue to uphold my values that Philly has no place for hate." Which feels incredibly contradictory to me. If you shouldn't have gone and realized it that night, okay...but you've opposed the Union League for a long time yet still showed up? But you're going to continue to uphold your values? To me, her actions signaled to the Union League that this behavior is okay, even though it's against her values. I would have preferred to have seen her take accountability, admit that the Union League does contradict her own values, and commit to making sure that she will not make similar missteps in the future.


kilometr t1_j9livqy wrote

I think the Union League debacle was shows the issues with her style of politics. She forgot about her past statement. So much politics nowadays is about opposing and boycotting every organization/corporation/person that holds views you don’t agree with. At a certain point it gets exhausting and I bet politicians can’t keep a mental list of what they need to avoid to not look like a hypocrite.


99centstalepretzel t1_j9kaahg wrote

PS - Despite my feelings - I'm in full agreement with you on who Helen Gym is, as a mayoral candidate.


Marko_Ramius1 t1_j9kbpkj wrote

I've said this before, but I'm somewhat expecting that Gym will end up winning due to the primary laws. All she needs is 1 vote more than the second place runner up in a field of 9 (?) people running, with plenty of candidates overlapping in their natural constituencies i.e Rhynhart and Domb get the establishment white Dems, Derek Green and Cherelle Parker split the black vote etc. And with reclaim behind her, that may be enough because even though they're far-left loons they show up to vote for their people


99centstalepretzel t1_j9kcexm wrote

Yup, Helen Gym winning due to primary laws is very much a possibility, too. In that case, it would be more disappointing, since the person who is running on 100% pure ✨vibes✨is rewarded (There's more than 1 candidate running on fumes, but Helen Gym is Queen of ✨vibes✨ for me at this point).


internet_friends t1_j9l5qpy wrote

What makes you say Gym is the queen of vibes at this point in the race? I don't plan on voting for her, but I'm curious as to what makes you say that. In my opinion almost all the candidates currently are running on vibes, and Gym is no different (but not worse) than several other candidates.


TheNightmareOfHair t1_j9lfdja wrote

Cherelle Parker was 100% vibes last night. Truly verging on stream of consciousness. Gym's answers seemed direct and crystal clear by contrast.


espressocycle t1_j9l5kep wrote

I think there's more overlap between the establishment white Dems and flaky progressives than you might be assuming here. I'm personally hoping MQS will be a dark horse and end up building the largest coalition, but really... anybody but Gym.


espressocycle t1_j9l3vgk wrote

Rhynhart and Domb? I'm not gonna say they have no chance because in a crowded race you can win without broad support but I will be very surprised if Domb is more than a blip and Rhynhart has a very narrow path.