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PhillyMila215 t1_j7j1jcb wrote

The Baltimore Eagles bar (Magerks) is a cool place for Eagles fans to hang generally. But during non game times, I have seen a good amount of Ravens fans. So yeah, just a bar. No idea about Kansas City MLB or NHL, but Magerks plays all Philly games so it’s busy enough.


harbison215 t1_j7j2gdf wrote

I’ve been to the green parrot in Fort Lauderdale for an eagles game and always wondered what the place was like on non eagles days, weeks, months.

A friend of mine said that his friend owns a bar in center city and a couple of browns fans asked if they could make it a browns bar for football games. He said yea and apparently there’s a browns bar in center city now and it’s been great for his business. I guess that’s how it works. There are transplants just about everywhere, so…


PhillyMila215 t1_j7j2s0x wrote

Wow. Didn’t know that! That’s cool of them and it’s a win win.