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trolleyblue t1_j8xsww5 wrote

Pre pandemic when I was slow at work we were asked to help throw out some old huge ass shit - like a conference room table, etc.

We took it down to the dump near 95. As we were emptying our van a recycling truck backed up and dumped its contents right into the same hole we were throwing our trash. 100% happened.


RoverTheMonster t1_j8xt61k wrote

This person gets it

I've been ranting about recycling and trash on this sub for a while and have decided just to stop trying to recycle. This morning I even bagged my neighbors' wet Trader Joe's bags and put them out with by trash bc of the rain and wind and how tired I am of cleaning up my block every week bc of this asinine collection system we have here in Philly. It's absolutely not worth it anymore


DoGreat_DieGood t1_j8xtse3 wrote

Lol every week without fail, the men use my recycling bin lid as a frisbee and it ends up across the street or down the hill or under a parked car thirty feet away. Tempted to just let my recycling get wet from the rain or blown away with the wind.


ferrusmannusbannus OP t1_j8xtu73 wrote

I’m done trying. When I first moved here a decade ago it was okay. They usually came on time. Since covid I’m lucky if they show up period. When they do come, they do at best half the job while throwing shit everywhere. Its embarrassing to live on a street that looks like this and its not because of the residents but the fucking “sanitation” department. Trash gets picked up promptly by 6am but whatever clowns they have working recycling suck


SleepyGarysElbow t1_j8xuxl3 wrote

I had a full can of recycling out for pickup yesterday. The dude literally opened it, reached in, and grabbed a single paper bag of items to throw in the truck, left the other 80% sitting in the can and away they went. I guess at least my stuff didn’t blow all over the street like a lot of my neighbors did.


DrJawn t1_j8xzj9o wrote

Our recycling truck comes after dark some days. These guys are working crazy long shifts, they must be understaffed to death


jbphilly t1_j8y0uba wrote

Amazingly, my lid lasted 2.5 years before getting destroyed after they flung it into the street. (Or maybe they flung it onto the sidewalk and the wind then blew it into the street...same outcome). And that was after being run over twice.

Never thought of zip-tying it to the bin like people mentioned. I'll try that if I ever get my hands on another lid...


uptown_gargoyle t1_j8y13ww wrote

It's so much more convenient not to recycle. If I had any hope that my recyclables would be recycled, I'd recycle them. But I don't think that's happening, so I don't stress over it and I just enjoy the ease of putting everything in big contractor bags the morning of.


muffpatty t1_j8y14po wrote

Honestly, if the weather is going to be windy I just hide the recycling with the trash in a black trash bag. It is ridiculous. They pick up the trash in my neighborhood around 8am and don't return for the recycling until about 6pm or later. As you can imagine, it blows everywhere.


Vexithan t1_j8y2s1q wrote

I’ve had really good luck with the folks in our neighborhood. The wind can obviously be a huge problem but they people who do our collections almost always pick up stuff if it falls out, are the friendliest people ever, they love talking to our son who thinks they’re the coolest, and are generally great. Obviously there’s tons of different routes but they’re probably one of the most underpaid and overworked groups in the city. We should pull all the cops who are soft striking and not doing jack and use them in sanitation.


SpreadSharp7476 t1_j8y4fjv wrote

News flash, nobody cares anymore. Not the trash man, not the mayor, not the cops and certainly not the teenagers that will beat the piss out of you for a few bucks.


Frummage t1_j8y50p7 wrote

Weird because the guys in my neighborhood in Brewerytown pick everything up and put the lid next to the empty recycling can. It’s like we must have different crews in different neighborhoods!


DoGreat_DieGood t1_j8ycjt0 wrote

Bagged trash raw-dogging the sidewalk is the worst though, cause raccoons and squirrels dig holes into them and then garbage gets onto the street. Cans are better, even though they get thrown around..