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AbsentEmpire t1_j97bq5l wrote

>With the city’s announcement, immigrant communities around Philadelphia may wonder how the designation will actually affect them. Eusebio said that most immediately, it sets a precedent.

So nothing, it does nothing other than allow city officials in positions that really shouldn't even exist to pat themselves on the back, and for this organization to get paid with tax payer money to hand a meaningless label to useless city staffers.

>The Welcoming certification must be renewed after three years through the same process, which is particularly notable with a new incoming mayoral administration.

>Whichever candidate ultimately wins this year’s race will have to make a similar commitment towards immigrant support and inclusion, otherwise it will be clear that the cause is not a priority for them.

>“When there are changes in mayor administrations and city leadership ... having an official designation of certification and a need to re-certify holds everyone accountable,” Eusebio said.

What a joke, this is clearly a racket organization, the certificate is just a receipt for taking city money, and means nothing.

The article should have asked how much money city officials set on fire for this meaningless bullshit.


PhillyPanda t1_j97fb5v wrote

Was there a link to the audit findings mentioned?