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marxistbot t1_j8ssuis wrote

I really don’t understand why people are so mad about this. I didn’t say that no one is leaving cause the suburbs are better for kids. I just doubt that many Gen z are driving that trend given statistical reality that even the oldest zoomer is still well below the median age for first child.


zoicyte t1_j8sykdk wrote

This is probably true. The oldest zoomers I know are 25. I didn’t have my kid until I was 33


marxistbot t1_j8xj706 wrote

The cutoff is 1996 so the oldest are now 27. i have several 26-27 year old zoomer friends but otherwise same. My parents and most of their friends all had their first kids at 29-35. I know there are cultural difference driving this, but I just don’t know anyone personally under 28 intentionally trying to have kids right now lol


zoicyte t1_j8zuu47 wrote

In the northeast US I would say yeah, most folks I know put off first kid till 28-32 but I know a couple of younger parents as I have a 7 year old and a few of her friends have parents in their late 20s or early 30s. But they’re also not as well off. There’s definitely still a socioeconomic aspect to it.


marxistbot t1_j909jvt wrote

I live in south eastern city now and it’s the same. Definitely agree it’s income but also function of level of education (which is generally higher in cities than rural areas, and ofc they’re correlated anyway)