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owenhinton98 t1_j8qvlou wrote

From a technical standpoint, I somewhat find your comment ironic, in that the “realistic” part you mentioned is one of the less realistic things you mentioned lol

4 tracks is actually possible in south, if I’m not mistaken they considered it in planning stages and I believe there would be room to expand, especially in the portions between snyder and pattison (pattison is literally a 4 track station, only issue is that the 2 & 3 tracks have a narrow platform that would be a major liability with hoards of drunk eagles fans being herded on and off trains)

Cecil on the other hand would be a bit more difficult to pull off, as it was built as a local station, and thus it (and the entire portion of line between girard and Susquehanna) would need a complete rebuild and realignment, potentially even building demolitions to make way for the wider space needed to support an express station. The only way it might work would be to route all trains to and from the 1 & 4 tracks via the nearest switches to the north and south of cecil, and if I’m not mistaken this would also have to make Susquehanna a stop for expresses too. And this idea would inevitably lead to bottlenecking in both directions, so I think temple will just have to deal with being a local stop lol