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mistersausage t1_j9gzdtc wrote

>The footage shows Maguire sitting on a bench with her own small dog in her lap as a woman walking two other dogs passed by. One of the dogs — the pit bull — suddenly dragged her owner toward Maguire, snatched the small dog off the agent’s lap, and began aggressively shaking it, the source said. > >Maguire threw herself into the fracas and tried to separate the dogs, eventually drawing her weapon and placing it directly against the pit bull’s backside before shooting the animal once in its hindquarters, according to the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

Looks like she tried to stop the fight without shooting, and when that didn't work, fired extremely close quarters to not hit bystanders. IMO she did everything correctly.

Whole situation sucks though.


ScottEATF t1_j9h3p3b wrote

If her dog was in actual danger and it wasn't just two dogs making noises at each other, she tried to actively separate them and couldn't, and was controlled in the way she ended up employing her weapon; this was reasonable action.

Assuming the description given is accurate.


kemmes7 t1_j9hcubs wrote

>But video of the incident, captured by security cameras outside the apartment building, paints a more complicated story, according to a source who reviewed it.

why not just release the video footage? how long does it really take to review? or screen it to reporters?


CreditBuilding205 t1_j9hazrm wrote

> Assuming the description given is accurate.

The reporter is getting this description from an anonymous source without having seen the footage themselves. Presumably that source is a police officer or FBI agent who would have every reason to paint the FBI agent’s actions charitably.

I would not take an anonymous 2nd hand account as the definitive story.


ScottEATF t1_j9hc7me wrote

That's why I threw in the qualifier. Too many times descriptions of footage of LEOs by LEOs is so far from what is actually shown that it's beyond understanding.

So it would not surprise me if that description is not accurate in part or as a whole. My guess would be that the attempt to separate the dogs would likely be the area doing the most heavy lifting on the veracity end.

Also really want to know what the other owner was doing.


calvinistgrindcore t1_j9h01ew wrote

It's awful, and unfortunately will end up being a Rorschach blot where everyone sees their priors about dog breeds. It's totally reasonable not to allow your dog to be killed by a larger, stronger dog whose owner cannot control it. It's also tragic that the pit's owner is in a tough spot in her life, and I'm sure that the dog was a major source of support.


ell0bo t1_j9h7eba wrote

This whole thing is simply tragic. She did everything she could before drawing the gun.


p_britt35 t1_j9h8brp wrote

Why was she carrying, and was it her issued firearm? This was 100% not handled correctly!


hatramroany t1_j9h9q0h wrote

Concealed carry is legal in Pennsylvania and whether or not it was issued by the FBI is irrelevant because the Law Enforcement officers Safety Act of 2004 allows federal agents to have their firearms off duty.

Maybe try to do 2 minutes of googling before believing rage bait Instagram comments from nobodies? All the info is readily available on the FBI’s website.


TiberiusDrexelus t1_j9haalr wrote

FBI agents are encouraged to carry their service pistol at all reasonable times when off-duty


OldCoaly69 t1_j9h9q2j wrote

Because it’s her constitutional right to be able to defend herself.


Acrobatic_Advance_71 t1_j9ha76p wrote

Your suppose to stick you finger up the dogs butt. I don’t believe guns should be used this easily. But also I don’t know what else should have been done.


CattlemensSteakhouse t1_j9h123g wrote

If you cannot physically stop your dog from dragging you like a sled and killing another animal, you have no business owning that dog.


skip_tracer t1_j9h5wou wrote

I wish this was the mindset of more people. I’m not a pit lover or hater, but I love dogs period. Some people just shouldn’t own pets, it’s that simple. My mother has wanted a boarder collie since ours passed 10 years ago, but her and my father are elderly and were ultimately swayed to adopt a Lhasa. No way they could handle a high octane pup anymore.


ruxtpin t1_j9hcdxz wrote

Problem is, I’ve seen people who could stop their dog from doing shit, but don’t because of… who the fuck knows. I gave some asshole in Old City a 10 foot berth when I was running and he still let the leash go wide so his giant dog could jump at me.


TokiWart00th88 t1_j9hemk1 wrote

Don't you tell pit mommies that, society obv is the problem


Lorenaelsalulz t1_j9h4kxp wrote

The article includes a lot of care and concern for the attacking dog’s owner. But what about the other person whose dog was attacked out of nowhere, who had to physically try to rescue her dog and then forced to kill another to save her dog? That’s a lot of trauma too. The vitriol she’s receiving, largely due to her job, is ridiculous. Had I been in her shoes, I would have done the same thing.


afdc92 t1_j9h8qk6 wrote

It’s such a shitty situation for both parties. I can’t imagine what she must be going through. Horribly traumatic.


kingintheyunk t1_j9h3yhf wrote

My dog was attacked by a pit bull at a dog park in Philly. The owner of the 90 pound pit had just gotten it from paws 2 weeks prior. I had to fight the pit myself to get it off my dog. Was terrifying. Took my dog months and thousands in vet bills but thank god she recovered.

Feel bad for all involved in this story.


thereisnodevil666 t1_j9h5reb wrote

Ignorance is the problem. It seems unwise to bring any fresh rescue to a dog park like that. Especially a pitt or other large dog.


kingintheyunk t1_j9h8kfs wrote

I agree. The problem isn’t dogs, it’s dog owners. I saw the pit who attacked my dog around my neighborhood for a few months after. Have not seen it in years since. I assume the dog was returned to paws.


afdc92 t1_j9h8k1j wrote

I’ve had to get a loose pit off my family dog. I was kicking it as hard as I could and luckily had mace with me which worked. My dog was thankfully not hurt but it was terrifying.


Daisy_Steiner_ t1_j9hebys wrote

Same exact thing happened to me except I ended up in Hahnemann for a long weekend and almost lost my thumb in the process.


porkchameleon t1_j9gzwbo wrote

> But video of the incident, captured by security cameras outside the apartment building, paints a more complicated story, according to a source who reviewed it.

> The footage shows Maguire sitting on a bench with her own small dog in her lap as a woman walking two other dogs passed by. One of the dogs — the pit bull — suddenly dragged her owner toward Maguire, snatched the small dog off the agent’s lap, and began aggressively shaking it, the source said.

> Maguire threw herself into the fracas and tried to separate the dogs, eventually drawing her weapon and placing it directly against the pit bull’s backside before shooting the animal once in its hindquarters, according to the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

I have no problem with this.

Could had been a small child.

Control your fucking dog.


tastycakebiker t1_j9h1xap wrote

Idk why the article uses “complicated” when describing the situation. This persons dog was being attacked and it’s life was probably moments away from ending, so she stepped in and saved her animal. Obviously it’s sad for all parties, and unfortunate, but not sure what is complicated about it


bigassbiddy t1_j9h5dxh wrote

Doesn’t matter, she is a law enforcement agent and used a gun. The outrage crowd will never see reason in her action.


tastycakebiker t1_j9h5nes wrote

For sure. Someone else said it in here - if her occupation was literally anything else at all, this wouldn’t be a headline. If it was a deranged homeless person it wouldn’t be even be a headline


napsdufroid t1_j9h6rho wrote

> Idk why the article uses “complicated”

piss-poor journalism


Kodiak_85 t1_j9h5sif wrote

Honestly, what was described here is a completely reasonable and controlled reaction by the FBI Agent. It appears the gun was only used as a last resort and it’s also very possible she shot the dog with the hopes of not killing it by aiming for its hindquarters.


CommunicationTime265 t1_j9h5g9o wrote

That's not a complicated story. She saved her dog from getting murdered by another dog.


harbison215 t1_j9gyuxn wrote

You know if you’re going to have pittbulls, you need to be able to control them. Sad story for the dog that got shot but I’m not sure what to expect. I wouldn’t let my little dog get ripped to shreds either.


afdc92 t1_j9h8d77 wrote

Absolutely. Any dog owner needs to learn how to read their dog’s signals for when they start feeling aggressive or agitated, and how to break up a fight if needed. If you cannot control your dog, it is not the right dog for you. Pits are extra tricky because it’s not uncommon for them to just snap, no normal signs of agitation like hair standing up, growling, etc. and they latch on and will not let go.


thereisnodevil666 t1_j9h56nm wrote

Or not walk them in public like that at the very least. This is why. It's for their protection as much as everyone else's. I've got family with aggressive dogs that they don't trust but don't want to put down. Their solution is a big backyard and walking him after 10pm.


Shadow1787 t1_j9h7es3 wrote

Or putting him on a muzzle, make sure it not use retractable leash, one dog at a time and short 3 foot leash.


RustyShackleford454 t1_j9h20ac wrote

Yeah, if an aggressive dog starts mauling my dog to death, I'm going to shoot the shit out of that dog. Sensational headlines like the one on r/news, Fbi agent shoots dog dead in ritzy Philadelphia neighborhood, and this planned "protest" can eat a dick. The only reason this is news is because of her occupation, you'd never see a headline like that if Joe Schmo the office worker had to shot a dog.


SBRH33 t1_j9hapb2 wrote

There was a story last year of a Joe Shmo, licensed to carry, who shot 2 pitbulls that were mauling a toddler on the street mid morning in north philly. Saved the kids life. Kid received hundreds of stitches.

The story received a 10 second blurb on Action News at 5.


Thecrawsome t1_j9h6vld wrote

100% agree the emotional velvet hippo protestors haven't had their tiny dog in another dogs jaws lately.


dammit_dammit t1_j9h79ey wrote

I absolutely think we'd be seeing headlines like this if Joe Schmo the office worker shot a dog.


icedoutskimaskszn t1_j9h1j28 wrote

Awful situation for both of them. I couldn’t imagine watching my dog get shot, watching my dog get attacked, or shooting a dog.


emet18 t1_j9hfrki wrote

Absolutely horrendous coverage by the Inky. Slobberingly sympathetic coverage for the pitbull in the first half of the article. Then we get some weepy statement from the dog owner's sister - why the hell is her opinion relevant? - before we even get to the most relevant part:

> One of the dogs — Mia — suddenly dragged her owner toward Maguire, snatched the small dog off the agent’s lap, and began aggressively shaking it, the source said.

> Maguire threw herself into the fracas and tried to separate the animals, eventually drawing her weapon, placing it directly against the pit bull’s backside, and firing into the animal’s hindquarters, according to the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

And then we get a fucking obituary for the pitbull and statement from more demonstrators, plus links to some ACAB Insta/Twitter accounts who predictably have the most smoothbrained take on the situation.

By the way, what happened to the little dog that the pitbull mauled? Was it rushed to the emergency vet? Did it's owner consider it her "baby for seven years"? Who knows, the Inky sure doesn't care!

Just about every part of this article is designed to stir up as much outrage as possible in a mundane event that wouldn't even be news if the shooter wasn't a cop. Irresponsible journalism.


TiberiusDrexelus t1_j9h1jqh wrote

Why publish her name like this, when there's a psycho mob after her head?

Her actions could not have been more justified, and were restrained. The AR-15 of dogs was attempting to eat her little puppy, she did what anyone would do in her situation.

I hope she doesn't get harassed over this nonsense, pitbull apologists are crazily ruthless and vengeful


the_happy_atheist t1_j9haj98 wrote

So according to most people here I can just start shooting every little dog that attacks my dog. In a crowded area.


TiberiusDrexelus t1_j9hbhci wrote

That is quite literally what Pennsylvania law says, yes

How about don't have out of control violent monster dogs?


bigassbiddy t1_j9hgq95 wrote

Yep! You have the right to defend yourself and your dog from aggressive, attacking dogs.


worriedaboutlove t1_j9h8au6 wrote

I wish people advocated for actual people this hard. I think the FBI agent was justified. And, yes, I love dogs.


Aggressive_Topic5615 t1_j9h5hjd wrote

What if the agent was holding a baby instead of another dog and this happened? Sad situation all around, but people need to be able to control their dogs that have the capacity to kill and maim other creatures. I feel very sad for the woman who had to hold her dog as it expired but also for the woman who did what she needed to do to save her pet from dying a horrific death, and is probably receiving death threats as a result.


William_d7 t1_j9h90hj wrote

Owner of the pitbull should be charged.


joeltheprocess76 t1_j9h9an0 wrote

I was friends with a server/bartender whose dog was a pit/roc mix and she dated guys who were able to control her dog for her because she was not able to …. ever. When the dog bit a child, she couldn’t stop it.. luckily, the kid wasn’t seriously hurt but she was told to relinquish the dog.


_SundaeDriver t1_j9hf3bn wrote

My dog and myself have both been attacked by dogs. I carry a knife when I walk now. If it happens again I won’t hesitate to stop the other dog.


[deleted] t1_j9h316y wrote



SBRH33 t1_j9hb30u wrote

They require licensure in the UK and Australia if you happen to own one. They are also banned in those two countries.


ferrusmannusbannus t1_j9hcnz4 wrote

Yeah, had a canadian friend tell me they were banned in her province as well. It makes sense.


[deleted] t1_j9h0ayq wrote



[deleted] t1_j9h1t8b wrote



Gabagoo44 t1_j9h5upi wrote

Dogs are genetically predisposed for certain traits because they have been bred that way. It’s why there’s herd dogs, retrievers ect, pit bulls were bred to fight other dogs. You can train them different but that doesn’t mean it’s always going to work.


blinchik2020 t1_j9hb3e7 wrote

Not just dogs, but to take down bulls and bears… they are extremely strong, zero-mistake dogs.


petedogg t1_j9h2zrp wrote

People say the same about assault weapons. They should still be banned.


yesmrbevilaqua t1_j9hci5u wrote

I always say that, the people making the arguments couldn’t be more different but the arguments are exactly the same, and honestly you never have to worry about your assault rifle sneaking out of your yard and killing a kid


[deleted] t1_j9h0bbk wrote



flamehead2k1 t1_j9h3zvh wrote

This thread is allowed up as it provides substantial new details. Please keep it civil or we'll lock this one as well.


SBRH33 t1_j9hd8w5 wrote

"Mulder, I think I closed this case." I beleive you did Scully, nice work"


gnartato t1_j9h6612 wrote

Having a dog off leash should just be treated as aggravated assault. I know it sounds rash but think about it for a minute. It's never excusable, it's a direct risk to others, and the PPD will never enforce it. What's there to lose?

Edit: brandishing in PA is aggravates adult. Same thing. A dog can be deadly.

Edit2. Dog in article was not off leash. I assumed.


hatramroany t1_j9h6sdf wrote

If you read the article the dog wasn’t off leash


gnartato t1_j9h74m7 wrote

Fuck. I assumed and am guilty. I see this too often being involved in pet care and owning pets myself. Opinion still stands but thanks for correcting.


Shadow1787 t1_j9h7ko8 wrote

I mean the dog was out of the owner hands is was practically off leash. Sorry if you can’t control two dogs while walking then don’t do that.


ramvan t1_j9hf04w wrote

If a dog is leashed but the owner can’t control the leashed dog, is the dog effectively leashed? I would argue no.


OnionLegend t1_j9hcj3t wrote

People don’t want guns being shot in a crowded place so should we carry more swords?


LoudGroans t1_j9h6akd wrote

Cops: “We don’t fucking shoot dogs. Why do people always talk about us shooting dogs?!”

Also cops:


Anutka25 t1_j9h4x7w wrote

What I hate is the precedent it sets here.

I have an aggressive German shepherd, she never leaves the house without a muzzle, but she’s got a loud bark and I can see someone having a knee jerk reaction and shooting her just because she’s acting out even if I have full control of her.


Franklinia_Alatamaha t1_j9h6inc wrote

Honestly, and respectfully, what the holy hell are you talking about?

This dog was actively attacking and biting her dog. This dog was not restrained by their owner, did not have a muzzle on, and wasn't just barking - it was mauling another dog. This has absolutely nothing in common with your situation, except it involves a dog.


CommunicationTime265 t1_j9h69xv wrote

As long as your dog doesn't actually attack anyone or other animal, it's probably fine. Barking and attacking are very different.


Anutka25 t1_j9h6y39 wrote

I mean it’s just the comments I’m reading here.

I’m well aware of my dogs triggers and don’t take her around other dogs.

I’m just saying that there is such a large amount of people who are not FBI trained to handle weapons proclaiming that they carry when they walk their dogs and aren’t afraid to use it against an aggressive animal. I can see someone not waiting until anything even happened to use their gun.

The easiest way to prevent these things from happening is to know your dog and their triggers, but also just avoid letting dogs on leashes greet each other. This is why most attacks happen.


yesmrbevilaqua t1_j9hdbze wrote

Maybe train your dog?


Anutka25 t1_j9hf361 wrote

She is trained, she’s been attacked and abused before I rescued her. But thanks for the advice!

Like I said, it’s not my dog attacking someone that worries me — she is always in a muzzle and I have full control of her on the leash. I’m worried that someone will get trigger happy just seeing an aggressive dog bark.

I don’t bring my dog around others, but we’ve had unleashed dogs with zero recall run up at us causing her to freak out. Again, she won’t do any damage because she’s in a muzzle, but how is the other person supposed to see that if they’re farther away yelling at their dog with zero recall to come back?

Guns aren’t the solution here, it’s the dog owners who don’t understand how dogs work.


Kodiak_85 t1_j9h6hzh wrote

What you described isn’t what happened, so it doesn’t set a precedent. At least not to the scenario your describing. The larger dog was tearing her smaller dog to shreds, she physically intervened and tried to break them up and when that failed she shot the larger dog in its hindquarters.

This was not a knee jerk reaction to a dog barking aggressively and acting out.


Anutka25 t1_j9h7yut wrote

I’m not saying what happened was a knee jerk reaction! I was pointing out that a lot of people in comments are walking their dogs and carrying, do they have the same judgement and aim as an fbi agent?


redeyeblink t1_j9hd0yk wrote

Knee jerk reaction?
>The footage shows Maguire sitting on a bench with her own small dog in her lap as a woman walking two other dogs passed by. One of the dogs — the pit bull — suddenly dragged her owner toward Maguire, snatched the small dog off the agent’s lap, and began aggressively shaking it, the source said.
>Maguire threw herself into the fracas and tried to separate the dogs, eventually drawing her weapon and placing it directly against the pit bull’s backside before shooting the animal once in its hindquarters


Anutka25 t1_j9hfkg5 wrote

Her dog didn’t even sustain any damage though? She just took her home? How violently was she being attacked?

Did she have to shoot the dog to kill? Why couldn’t she aim at the paw or something?

Im sure it was a very intense moment and I don’t know what she must have felt like, but there are lots of details missing. All we hear is that a pit bull violently attacked this dog, that didn’t even need medical attention after?

I don’t disagree that the other owner should have had better control of their dog, but I doubt that it’s so black and white.


4t2o0m t1_j9h6wpj wrote

honest question: Whats the point of having a dog like that? Why not just get a friendly dog?


Anutka25 t1_j9h7kbs wrote

I was raised around shepherds, my dog is a rescue who was given up a bunch of times before I saved her at 4 years old.

She’s a fantastic dog at home, very well trained, gets along perfectly with our other puppy. I knew I wanted a German shepherd, and I wasn’t about to buy one from a puppy mill and I have the experience to not let a couple of issues bother me.

She’s just leash aggressive which is a small trade off compared to all the good things she brings into my life.

Like I said, I know what her triggers are and she’s always in a muzzle, because believe it or not, the only time we had a close call was when someone’s off leash dog ran at us and the other owner had no recall.


[deleted] t1_j9hdmjo wrote



Anutka25 t1_j9hehqj wrote

How am I a problem when I literally said my dog is always in a muzzle and I have full control of her?


distilladelphia t1_j9hc7yc wrote

Define “friendly dog” here. It’s like dogs are animals, and animals can be aggressive, no matter the breed. Any dog is capable of aggression. Sadly the large breeds bear the cross.
