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ScottEATF t1_j9rr7hj wrote

Pre-trial release shouldn't hinge on whether you're rich in not.

Either you're a risk to the community or you aren't. It shouldn't be about if you have money or not.


QuidProJoe2020 t1_j9rregz wrote

Yea, I totally agree, but the offense needs to be considered. Beating a man to death with your bare hands shows you shouldn't get out on bail, regardless of finacial circumstance


Aromat_Junkie t1_j9s0bwp wrote

yeah I don't know why this is controversial. Bail exists to ensure you show up to court, if you are not a risk. Risk is determined by judges and with input given by the DA and information provided by the police - later the defendants lawyer can petition to reduce it or review it or whatever.

it's a higher bail because someone is a flight risk, not because they're more dangerous. higher Potential sentencing outcomes = higher bail.


ScottEATF t1_j9seofh wrote

Our current system is controversial because you end up with situations where pre-trial detention isn't about whether a defendant is a danger to the community or how much of a flight risk they are, but simply did they have money or not.

That's what cash bail reform is about.


Aromat_Junkie t1_j9tk29g wrote

The problem with all of these isn't when the state gets it right, and keeps a murderer locked up - but that it consistently and egregiously gets it wrong.


ScottEATF t1_j9sf3xb wrote

That's the rub of the situation.

If cash bail reform was in place, the odds that this defendant gets out of pre-trial detention is significantly lower than our current cash bail system where it is just about can you find the money.


Trafficsigntruther t1_j9tpwo6 wrote

1st and 2nd degree Murder charge is ineligible for bail in PA.


Mehndeke t1_j9u8sul wrote

Unless you're a juvenile who can't get mandatory life in prison if convicted. It's not about the charges, it's about the possible punishment. It's just that the only charges that carry mandatory life are 1) 1st degree murder, 2) 2nd degree murder, or 3) 2+ counts of 3rd degree murder, and only for those over 18 years old.

Juveniles can't be sentenced to mando life. They can get life, but it can't be mandatory.


freddyoff t1_j9rtu1s wrote

You’re correct, it should be about killing people with traffic cones you jabronie


ScottEATF t1_j9sdi56 wrote

Yes, that's near the entire point of bail reform.


Barmelo_Xanthony t1_ja0p2j1 wrote

If it's your money on the line it gives you an incentive to not break the bail agreements. When you just let people out for free or have a comically low amount for a crime where the person knows their life could be over then they will act much more reckless.

It's not fair, but it's even less fair to the majority of the city that isn't committing violent crimes especially the people in the poor neighborhoods where they are being sent back into.