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porkchameleon t1_j9uawn1 wrote

I've walked by NoChe countless times and never bat an eyelash, after this piece they'll be my next stop for a few cocktails.

The Swedish place looks interesting as well (no deer heart - no sale, though).


PhillyPanda t1_j9uob4f wrote

Noche looks overpriced as all hell. $6 for still water.

Vast majority of cocktails $18-$22

Just doesn’t seem worth it


porkchameleon t1_j9urtpr wrote

I liked what I saw on their menu, plus I don't think I've ever done more than two at a time at that price range (and I am used to paying that much for a good drink with proper ambiance).

EDIT: no way in hell I am paying $6 for a water, though.


PhillyPanda t1_j9usesk wrote

Report back, if it’s good, I’ll give it a try

I went to rouge’s pop up espresso martini night the other day and I’m still hurting from a $40 bill for two drinks (not both for me)


porkchameleon t1_j9v2fjv wrote


Rogue never did strike me as a go-to cocktail place, and that price sounds like a rip off.

EDIT: $15, $18 max for something fancy/top shelf would be my budget there.


PhillyPanda t1_j9v4fod wrote

There were (of course) no prices on the pop up menu so at least noche is up front about stuff.


porkchameleon t1_j9v6dbj wrote

I always ask upfront, fuck their sneaky tactics.

I am not cheap, but I like money.