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Unfamiliar_Word t1_ja0oxed wrote

I have preferred her among the likely or available candidates for quite a while. The principal causes for my attraction are that she has administrative experience in city government and has spent the last few years incisively scrutinizing it. It's a long distance from criticism to correction and I remain formally open to most comers, but I trust her more than I do anybody who has been on the City Council.

What's more she's come out in favor of the Roosevelt Boulevard Subway and framed it in opposition to KoPRail. So that just about cinches my vote.


Mcjibblies t1_ja101j2 wrote

… what has she done? Like, officially. Completed projects that she ran and completed.


BobanMarjonGo t1_ja115k4 wrote

She was an accountant in the city government - her life was auditing all those projects


Mcjibblies t1_ja15467 wrote

This isn’t a response to my question


willashman t1_ja15uu6 wrote

The answer they gave was the audits. You can find the analyses from the Office of the Controller here. Rhynhart was the Controller from January 1, 2018 to October 25, 2022, so just look through the reports from within those dates.


Mcjibblies t1_ja1nuar wrote

Have you read all/any of them?


willashman t1_ja1o9sa wrote

All? No.

Any? Yes.


Mcjibblies t1_ja2d5rq wrote

“What has she done?”…..”she managed the writing of some awesome senior class reports”…. “Did you read them?”….”some of them”


BobanMarjonGo t1_ja2st1q wrote

These responses are childish, weak minded, and based solely on technicalities because the little "gotcha" you tried to pull at the beginning was a total failure. Stop quadrupling down, this is clown behavior


Mcjibblies t1_ja2tcnn wrote

Just point me in the direction of her policy prescriptions


BobanMarjonGo t1_ja2tpld wrote

Dear Lord, google them yourself. People are still out trying to get signatures to be on the ballot.


Mcjibblies t1_ja2yp1j wrote

Now I’m interested in why people are going to such great lengths to defend this woman. A honest question in “what’s her policy” with legit zero responses, has gotten me thinking about this far more than I intended.

I need to hear about policy. Sorry for just asking questions.


ell0bo t1_ja2z1s7 wrote

I'm more impressed by the great lengths you're going to to attack her. This entire thread is filled with people trying to answer you and you not accepting the answer, and moving the goal posts. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but I don't think you're accomplishing it.


Mcjibblies t1_ja31egz wrote

What….are…. Her…. Policy….. positions.

What….has….she…. Accomplished….legislatively.


ell0bo t1_ja3d6qh wrote

You might wanna look up some basic facts before you start asking things like what has she accomplished legislatively. Considering she's not a legislator, if she had some that'd be very impressive, or an impossible standard for you to hit on her for.

You might want to do a little research rather than mining a reddit comment thread for data. Doing this is fine if you have an iota of knowledge about which you are trying to ask questions.


Mcjibblies t1_ja5ylej wrote

I’ll answer for you. Her policy is more policing. How’s that sound to you?


phillyonly t1_ja39nnq wrote

I believe I agree with the point I think you're making ... we can't assume an auditor with good critiques will inherently be good at implementing policy... but you are not helping your cause by being deliberately obtuse:


Mcjibblies t1_ja3a3yc wrote

Honestly, I know. But those who will read to the end will come to this point and hopefully ask the same questions:

This is a pivotal point in the city with respect to systemic issues. Some communities may be permanently ruined. She may be the one to fix these problems. We all need to request policy prescriptions. Not plans. Like, let us vote on what you will do.


phillyonly t1_ja3bgsh wrote

I'm frankly surprised you responded in good faith here bc I suspected you were just trolling. I agree with your general sentiment above, but was having a hard time taking you seriously bc your questions seemed unserious.

So you may want to reconsider your method for making these points in this thread. Bc I'm not sure you're convincing anyone to ask these questions... I worry you may just be convincing people that anyone who doesn't like Rhynhart is the type of person who refuses to google things.


Mcjibblies t1_ja5zifj wrote

You’re right. This discussion probably would’ve gone much differently if we were all in person. I would’ve sounded clearer. I am sure most of the supposed supporters would’ve been far more overbearing than I.

But in this space, I think you’re right that I come off as a troll. The downvotes, whomever they are from, certainly assist in perpetrating the tone of my posts, however. I am not a troll, to be clear.

I just read her webpage and I all I can honestly see is more police. That makes me sad, honestly.


phillyonly t1_ja7ujn9 wrote

So maybe you were trying to encourage a Socratic-method type of critique. That would probably work better if there was some degree of trust among participants. But bc we're all internet strangers, it sounds like sea-lioning.

Your point about her website is a good one. I read about her police audit back when it came out... at the time, I was jazzed about the civilianization aspect bc I assumed it would mean fewer total police officers. But from the language on her website, that may have been a poor conclusion for me to reach. Haha I'm always just looking for scraps where I can find them :(


Mcjibblies t1_ja8ox55 wrote

And that’s the rub. It’s like a situation where you can ask “well, friend, explain to me her policy positions…” and then you get smashed with 30 downvotes…. Now, it essentially doesn’t matter what you say from then on out, you’re the troll.

I have gone down that rabbit hole a few times. And I’ll certainly do it again sometime.

Philly needs help. We need someone to push back on PD, Comcast, and the universities. These agencies and institutions have overall impact on the wellbeing of the city. We need her, if it’s her, to work on these things. Gun violence happens as a result of systemic issues. It’s a problem, but not to some of the residents. More cops means in 15 years, we have the same issues.

It’s just true…


cashonlyplz t1_ja33xjp wrote

You're insufferable, mate. Committee of 70 has all the information you're asking of, uh, redditors.


willashman t1_ja2tnzz wrote

Alright, who do you think is a better candidate and why?


Minia15 t1_ja39n9i wrote

Never seen such harsh criticism for someone doing their job successfully.

If you don’t believe her skills of identifying problems will help her solve the problems that is fair, but you’re diminishing her work. She did her job well.


Mcjibblies t1_ja3a9vx wrote

Well…. Part of what’s necessary in implementing a plan is data, I’ll agree. You also need doers. Is she a doer is my question.


Master_Winchester t1_ja1sylz wrote

Her audit of the police was a major source and influence on the Inquirers exposé on the police; namely those who were too hurt to patrol, but able bodied enough to work a second job.


Mcjibblies t1_ja2cpxp wrote

Their budget has gone up or down since then?


TheTwoOneFive t1_ja2ojsn wrote

Controller writes the audits, Mayor/council are the ones who theoretically enforce them. Her running for mayor means she can put them into action.

Important question: Since you are slamming her so much, it sounds like you have a favored candidate who has made a major impact in Philly's government. Which candidate do you support?


Mcjibblies t1_ja2r89p wrote

“Slamming”. No. I’m just wondering what she’s done to have people defending her so fervently. Help me find something to make me get on board besides the fact that she’s compiled data


TheTwoOneFive t1_ja2typd wrote

She has done more as City Controller than any person I've seen as long as I've lived in Philly - auditing both the PPA and PPD, among other things. She's not just compiling data, but also doing a detailed analysis as well and making recommendations as to how to fix issues. Plenty of recommendations on her reports, but a controller can only make recommendations, It's up to Council and the Mayor to go enforce them.

She knows where the issues are, and Philly needs someone to go and fix a lot of the bullshit that's come out from political stagnation the past decade. The mayor's office seems to be running on autopilot due to a leader who checked out a couple years ago and everyone in Council seems way too busy handing out honorariums (seriously, a large majority of what they do during their main Thursday meetings are honorariums) to actually do anything meaningful.

I don't believe she's perfect, but I haven't seen any other candidate running for mayor who I would consider as much as her. Every councilperson seems to have been twiddling their thumbs the last few years and suddenly want to save and make changes, and my biggest worry with Jeff Brown is that he will burn as much political capital trying to kill the soda tax as Kenny did trying to implement it. (And a big reason why I think so little has been done the last few years).

If you have another candidate I should be looking at, let me know. Otherwise, I'm ready to vote for Rhynhart


Mcjibblies t1_ja33f9z wrote

The soda tax issue would be an opportunity for potential policy. She said “we will look at it”.

That’s all I’m talking about, seriously. Give me one thing where she says she will do more than evaluate things.


TheTwoOneFive t1_ja33mit wrote


Mcjibblies t1_ja36lsq wrote

Thank you.

Diversionary programs, re-evaluate the cases for guns and disorderly conduct, and train/expand the police department.

Did I get that right?


TheTwoOneFive t1_ja37pgr wrote

There is a lot more in there including better reviews of injured officers, removing officers from civilian roles, working with DA to increase prosecution of illegal gun cases, community-first policing, etc.

You're clearly just trolling. Done talking with you unless you can make a case for why another candidate is better than Rhynhart.


Mcjibblies t1_ja3bq94 wrote

No critiques unless there is a better candidate is how you feel?


sugr_magnolia t1_ja3er0f wrote

Chill or you will be banned for trolling.

There are appropriate ways to encourage a discussion. You're borderline attacking other users.


Mcjibblies t1_ja5xyyt wrote

I think I’ve been pretty clear, I just want to see policy. Downvotes to drown out your perspective don’t count as an attack either I suppose. But, I want to keep my flair and I respect you guys and the sub. I’m done.


ell0bo t1_ja2yoxm wrote

Have you read any of them? Or just playing the hater for some reason?


Mcjibblies t1_ja31nbe wrote

Going through them now. And can I tell you, there’s just raw data and reports.


ell0bo t1_ja45p78 wrote

I'm sorry you might need to think and can't be told what to do think.


Mcjibblies t1_ja5xis6 wrote

It’s not about what I think. It’s about what she intends to do. If you e seen a substantive plan, please show me