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WhyNotKenGaburo t1_ja12zle wrote

I'll preface this by acknowledging that I've only lived here for a short time. That being said, I haven't been impressed at all with the local government of Philadelphia from the city council up to the mayor. To me, Rhynhart is a good strong push in the right direction. She seems to be the most holistic of the possible candidates. She has not only identified the problems facing the City, admittedly not a difficult task, but seems to have put some thought into what can, and should, be done about them. Rhynhart strikes me as a thoughtful technician who has strong ideas about how to best use the limited resources of the City, something I can't say about the others. Most can't seem to put together a basic websites that clearly articulates their policies, let alone provide details on how these policies might be implemented.


Saint_2022 OP t1_ja4gimq wrote

Thank god for Rebecca, she was also the whistleblower for the missing money at city hall