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Away_Swimming_5757 t1_j9v5exe wrote

Wouldn't this help with 76 traffic. If this KOP extension happens, it seems like it would be a good central hub for bus/ shuttle services to the many employers along the 76 cooridoor (like up in Malvern and further along... lots of big companies with lots of people who live in the city and commute daily, I could see a lot of them being interested in this line)


Pineapple_Spenstar t1_j9vj0vc wrote

Yep, and it will make the NSHL accessible for a lot more people. Plus Delco might finally do something about 69th st


_token_black t1_j9vnsyb wrote

Problem is the NHSL is not fast, and neither route is all that faster than a bus and certainly not faster than driving.

KOP to Center City with or without the extension is still going to take 60-90 minutes.


sixplaysforadollar t1_j9vwuwu wrote

yeah for sure. i've lived in KOP for a long time, these suburbs are still growing so quick from the bleed in from cities.

there's negotiation to build rail stops in Royersford, reading and few others as well that would go into the city.

I can't pretend to speak on the finances etc of this rail project, but from a regular dudes opinion im all for it if it makes getting to the city and places easier than driving


justintuck1 t1_j9vuutq wrote

This won't help with 76 traffic. Any traffic reduction gains by the 10k ridership will be offset by induced demand. You see it every time a new highway lane is built. You can see it on Long Island, where the country's most popular regional rail exists, but highway commute times into the city still average over an hour.