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uptown_gargoyle t1_ja7mygs wrote

that's fantastic, although I didn't mind getting cash out of the atm. I get atm fees reimbursed at the end of the month. but it's great to hear that fu wah is doing well.


porkchameleon t1_ja7zzdg wrote

> I get atm fees reimbursed at the end of the month.

Who do you bank with?

I am with Bank of America, and it's usually an ATM fee and then another transaction fee from the bank.


bushwhack227 t1_ja80xvv wrote

Not OP, bit I use Charles Schwab and they offer unlimited international atm fee reimbursements.


porkchameleon t1_ja8278c wrote

I think PNC has done that as well.

This is the only fee I have to pay them, though (i.e., no monthly or other maintenance ones).


barchueetadonai t1_ja827yc wrote

Stop using Bank of America (or any brick and mortar bank for that matter). Use Ally or Capital One.


porkchameleon t1_ja82ix2 wrote

I got my credit card through Capital One, they are alright.

I am doing some money stuff here and there that grants talking to a teller and sometimes depositing cash in person, so I need that brick and mortar option.


barchueetadonai t1_ja82rpa wrote

Credit cards are completely separate from bank accounts. If you need to deposit cash regularly, then find a brick and mortar bank with the lowest minimum balance requirement, and then keep everything else in an online bank. They’re legit so much better.


porkchameleon t1_ja850jd wrote

> They’re legit so much better.

Can you define "so much better"?

I don't pay any fees at BoA except aforementioned ATM withdrawals here and there (very rarely, too, as I come prepared for "cash only" nights, as BoA ATMs are everywhere, one is within short walking distance from me), and they always take my cash.


barchueetadonai t1_ja85cna wrote

With BoA, you have minimum balance requirements you have to meet in order to not pay a monthly fee, you get effectively no interest on your savings account, you have to pay for non-BoA ATM withdrawals, and you even have to pay for things like checks. It’s atrocious. I had a BoA account in college and closed it the first second they started charging me just to have an account.


porkchameleon t1_ja87nv2 wrote

Valid points. A few personal perspectives:

> have minimum balance requirements you have to meet in order to not pay a monthly fee

No problem there, didn't have to do it for a number of years.

> you get effectively no interest on your savings account

That's ass for sure; do other places offer much more?

> you have to pay for non-BoA ATM withdrawals,

Yeah, it's a pain, but I feel that $5 sting may be every 3 months or so at most.

> and you even have to pay for things like checks.

I don't actually use those. Their fee for cashier's check is beyond ridiculous: last time I had to get one it was $15 (up from $10, and they stopped doing money orders awhile ago), but those are very few and far between.

Savings account is probably the only thing I'd consider elsewhere (and should by the sound of it).

EDIT: holy shit, I was wasting money at BoA; Capital One savings it (likely) is. Thanks for heads up, fam! Your next PBR is on me*

*once that interest comes in.


Polka1980 t1_ja80nvw wrote

Eh, atm fees or hidden credit card processing fees - although I guess those are priced in anyway.