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ThereAreDozensOfUs t1_j8ue6wg wrote

Delco still goes blue. Florida is…Florida


Mike81890 t1_j8ukwpu wrote

Ehhhh purple innit?


f64Club t1_j8vb0w8 wrote

Was solidly blue for the midterms.


rcher87 t1_j8whs6i wrote

That’s pretty new, though, and there’s a still a lootttt more red/purple than you’d think. (Historically was working class white, has been shifting more diverse/black and getting more blue with that shift. The wealthier areas of DelCo are also not as sure of a lock for Dems as they are in other surrounding counties, but have also been trending progressive)

I’d call it purple-but-moving-blue. Should be like MontCo pretty soon (solidly blue with pockets of red).