Submitted by posfuckup t3_11b52mn in philadelphia

Yesterday the shop squirrel was injured badly. The front left leg was ran over by gears, leaving it completely broken and useless. She climbed back into her little nest, which is hard to get to. The only entrance is a 3inch wide hole which makes it almost impossible to get to her. I called some wildlife places but most of them are drop off only. I found a place that can capture and transport her and they said they would get back with me when a volunteer becomes available. Its been all day and still nothing.. any help?



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chainsawinsect t1_j9ytaml wrote

OP I saw your post in r/squirrels and I also live in Philadelphia. If you can get her in a cage (you can buy humane trapping cages called HavaHeart on Amazon) and take her to the Schuylkill Center Wildlife Clinic, they should be able to help!

It's about a 25 minute drive from Center City. It's kind of off the beaten path but a GPS can get you there.

This injury is a very survivable one with human assistance for a squirrel. But you need to get her there ASAP because the wound could easily get infected or become gangrenous which would likely lead to her death.


SBRH33 t1_j9wmtaz wrote

Can you make some little squirrel cast for its leg in the shop?


JeffHall28 t1_j9y7k2r wrote

Try growing tomatoes anywhere outside and your opinion of the bushy-tailed assholes will get more in line with reality.


napsdufroid t1_ja3xfx2 wrote

You ain't completely wrong...they can be really destructive to roofs are even cars, too


throwawaitnine t1_j9whfma wrote

Bro, squirrels are wildlife, don't fuck around with wildlife, let wild life live their own wild lives.


z3vin t1_j9x5aa7 wrote

but they have gotten attached to the tree rat!
