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Melissajoanshart t1_j82pgnt wrote

Any follow up on the New Year’s Eve events tho?


[deleted] t1_j834len wrote



enn_sixty_four t1_j84gd4k wrote

Wait it was the STAFF?!? holy shit didn't know that detail


[deleted] t1_j84p1wc wrote



porkchameleon t1_j84zgjb wrote

> I think there were two separate incidents: one involving patrons, in the bathroom; and one involving staff, in a backroom/upstairs. Just posts I saw on Reddit.

"Just posts I saw on Reddit" - check your facts next time: the latter was Dobbs last week.


FishtownYo t1_j85ebmt wrote

If I were the Garage, I’d sue you for making the statement about their staff. That could seriously damage their business.


[deleted] t1_j836b4b wrote



rollingstoner215 t1_j83tgn8 wrote

Oh god I thought it was tagged as in graffiti, not a hashtag. This makes it even worse.


APettyJ OP t1_j84amfp wrote

It was a graffiti tag. He posted to Instagram a video of him tagging the wall, and not with a hashtag!


APettyJ OP t1_j82ydu5 wrote

Had no idea what you were talking about (missed all the posts that had been created and deleted). Now that I've read about it, hoping the investigation and search for these guys is swift, if not already completed, and hoping the survivor gets justice from the courts. Served as a foreman on a jury some years ago where looking back, I don't think we gave our survivor justice.


rollingstoner215 t1_j830svf wrote

It’s your job as a juror to convict. /s


APettyJ OP t1_j83tesn wrote

If the evidence fits....

I've always loved the film "12 Angry Men". Always loved how one man did not allow himself to be pressured just by being outnumbered, used logic and reason and ability to look at the facts and come to the probable right decision.

In my case, a woman got drunk at a bar, and ended up in bed with a man she hardly knew. She claimed it was one thing, he another. It so happens she's white, looked Italian of the "Jersey Shore" variety, and he's black. The angle the defense took was she was just being racist, especially when she said something to the effect of, "I'd never get in bed with HIM!" Rubbed many of us the wrong way, but I and a couple others towards the end began to have our doubts. Still, we all voted to acquit, and the judge afterwards spoke to us and she said we probably made right decision, given the evidence.

However, I spoke about the case's circumstances (didn't reveal names or anything specific) afterwards with my sister, and also happened to come across the accuser's FB page. Turns out she was a lesbian, but that didn't come up in court. So when she said she'd never sleep with HIM, it may have been about sexual preference rather than race. Also, a couple years had passed before she had finally gotten her day in court, and I believe the whole process with the rape kit took awhile as well. Long story short, my sister pointed out that with all the time that had passed, if the woman was lying or even she had any doubts about what happened herself she wouldn't have kept up the charade through multiple police interviews and tests over the many months it took for everything to transpire. Afterwards, it all made sense, but of course couldn't discuss anything during the trial for an "outside opinion".

It's nagged at me ever since. Been hoping for another chance, however, I've gotten maybe three summons for jury duty in the 8 years or so hence, and am always told to stay home.


quixoteland t1_j83vgls wrote

You can only do the best you can when presented with the evidence that's actually allowed to be presented to you. The woman's attorney (or prosecutor) maybe should have brought up the fact that she was a lesbian, you finding out about it after the fact really doesn't have much of a bearing on it.

Or maybe the lawyer knew, but didn't feel they had an adequate way of presenting it to the jury or didn't think it was important. The defense and prosecution are in charge of everything that you're presented as jurors, anything else is strictly not in your purview.

Thinking that somehow you have to make up for a decision you made to the best of your ability when presented with the facts provided is nothing to be ashamed of, or more to the point, something you think you have to "make up" for.


APettyJ OP t1_j8446rl wrote

Thank you for this.

I'm reminded of the times I've helped my ex-wife's daughter with reading homework, and we've often talked about "context clues". The lesbian thing, sure, might not have been right out there to see, but being able to put oneself in someone else's shoes could have led us to have more discussion based on the whole time passed angle and likelihood she was doing this to someone she barely knew and didn't hate beforehand. While I can't remember now what the points were, there were a couple of things that gave me and a couple others pause and we initially did not vote to acquit. Maybe we could have had more discussions, and maybe thought of some other reasons a woman would get on the stand and say what she said. One thing that stuck with me was it was only three males who did not vote to acquit, whereas our jury had more females than males. However, just about all of the women jurors were minorities, and so the defense attorney, who was also female, was really effective with the "racial regret" defense.

I don't feel guilty, but have made a promise to be more diligent if and when there is a next time, and pay attention to the "context clues", especially trying to be more empathetic.


SomePaddy t1_j848xto wrote

>It's nagged at me ever since.

It sounds like there was literal reasonable doubt. The lesbian part was not in evidence, and that's on the prosecutor (maybe they were constrained by the victim's preference not to bring it up in open court). But also, you don't KNOW that you made the wrong call. People do things that are out of character when they're drunk. You just have doubt now, and tie goes to the runner - doubt, acquit = legally appropriate outcome.

>Been hoping for another chance

This doesn't seem like healthy mindset for a potential juror...

Make peace with it - as the judge told you "probably the right call given the evidence".


SomePaddy t1_j848yjs wrote

>It's nagged at me ever since.

It sounds like there was literal reasonable doubt. The lesbian part was not in evidence, and that's on the prosecutor (maybe they were constrained by the victim's preference not to bring it up in open court). But also, you don't KNOW that you made the wrong call. People do things that are out of character when they're drunk. You just have doubt now, and tie goes to the runner - doubt, acquit = legally appropriate outcome.

>Been hoping for another chance

This doesn't seem like healthy mindset for a potential juror...

Make peace with it - as the judge told you "probably the right call given the evidence".


SomePaddy t1_j849344 wrote

>It's nagged at me ever since.

It sounds like there was literal reasonable doubt. The lesbian part was not in evidence, and that's on the prosecutor (maybe they were constrained by the victim's preference not to bring it up in open court). But also, you don't KNOW that you made the wrong call. People do things that are out of character when they're drunk. You just have doubt now, and tie goes to the runner - doubt, acquit = legally appropriate outcome.

>Been hoping for another chance

This doesn't seem like healthy mindset for a potential juror...

Make peace with it - as the judge told you "probably the right call given the evidence".


SpreadSharp7476 t1_j86mr7e wrote

It’s in the past, in a short period of time you will laugh about it. You having feelings about it is just the process of getting over it.


SomePaddy t1_j848zm3 wrote

>It's nagged at me ever since.

It sounds like there was literal reasonable doubt. The lesbian part was not in evidence, and that's on the prosecutor (maybe they were constrained by the victim's preference not to bring it up in open court). But also, you don't KNOW that you made the wrong call. People do things that are out of character when they're drunk. You just have doubt now, and tie goes to the runner - doubt, acquit = legally appropriate outcome.

>Been hoping for another chance

This doesn't seem like healthy mindset for a potential juror...

Make peace with it - as the judge told you "probably the right call given the evidence".


this_for_loona t1_j82hrpg wrote

Honestly, this is pretty classy.


APettyJ OP t1_j82mpxp wrote


baldude69 t1_j84uult wrote

I’ll miss his defense game bigtime. I was bummed by his anti-vax views keeping him from playing in Canada last year, but he also throws down and was instrumental in some of the craziest games this season


nowtayneicangetinto t1_j84kiy8 wrote

Garage sucks. It's pretty on brand for them. That place attracts nothing but chads and douchers. Bring back the Penn Treaty Mart!


this_for_loona t1_j84l8be wrote

I was referring to the autograph. I know nothing about the garage.


nowtayneicangetinto t1_j84liql wrote

Garage is pretty trashy. It's where the corniest people from the burbs go when they go to Fishtown


ShutEmDown97 t1_j8c3wkd wrote

I adore garage being where it is because it keeps so many douchebags there instead of the other spots nearby


Mike81890 t1_j852fbe wrote

Trashy dudes from the burbs showed up in this thread


Phl_worldwide t1_j82jy6w wrote

You got to leave it up for a little bit now


APettyJ OP t1_j82meox wrote

Owner says even if they ultimately repaint the wall, they may just block out Matisse's tag, like a Banksy!


yugtahtmi t1_j82mj1n wrote

I think it should change at some point, considering he's not a star that was here long enough. I would leave the signature and maybe make a small jersey next to it or something and integrate it into a new design of some sort.


harbison215 t1_j84uf3m wrote

I agree. Maybe let it sit until around the start of next season, like the end of the summer when he’s well situated on his next team. After that, it really has won’t have much significance and can be removed. Just my opinion.


MRichards18 t1_j83riot wrote

It’s hilarious that about a year ago people wanted this dudes head on a platter because he refused to get vaccinated.

Now, no one seems to give a shit about that at all and he is ‘loved’ and ‘will be missed’ by the sixers fan base. How the times change…


DelcoBirds t1_j84a65z wrote

>he is ‘loved’ and ‘will be missed’ by the sixers fan base

Not really seeing much of this at all tbh. A lot more of "it's a shame he never developed as a player"


APettyJ OP t1_j84d0t2 wrote

I was more of the latter sentiment initially after the trade, but he seemed/seems like a cool dude. I remember the v-log series from the NBA Bubble he went viral over, and seeing this gesture reminded me of that Matisse, vs the frustrating one. Cool guy to have had in the city.


baldude69 t1_j84vitn wrote

I’ll miss his defensive game but yea that was a huge liability straight up not being able to play in Canada because of his refusal to vaccinate, especially in the Raptors playoff series last year. He is a pretty sick defensive player who’s a great stealer and rebounder, so that I will miss about him. He had some big moments this season that were clutch for the win, but I also feel he didn’t hit his full potential as a small forward


GarlicCookieMonster t1_j847roq wrote

Honestly I don’t think many people forgot about that. It’s just shit blows over but I don’t think anyone was mad Matisse had a holistic approach from his family when it came to medicine. It was just totally asinine that he got first dose and then starts spitting questions and it literally did end up having an impact in the playoffs. Not that it mattered for sixers overall but that shit was Stupid w a capital S 😂


MRichards18 t1_j84acqs wrote

It was stupid that he made a personal choice on his own body? Crazy thought process.


292ll t1_j8gggwu wrote

He got vaccinated once - he refused the second one…


B-BoyStance t1_j8442q8 wrote

Ever consider that maybe you're the one too wrapped up in the vaccine thing? And that maybe people got over it?

I thought it was a stupid thing to fight the team over. Then, time passed by. Now I don't care. I bet most people would say something similar.


[deleted] t1_j848bm2 wrote



B-BoyStance t1_j849c0f wrote

I mean he couldn't play in important games. Pretty reasonable to want someone that could. Then he could play, and people got over it.

I think you're giving too much power to a frustrating moment in time, and you should also leave more room for fluidity (i.e. it's okay for people to change their opinions and minds about things).

And obviously, it goes both ways. Cause you are right that some people took it to an extreme. Basically treated it as a political issue when we're talking basketball.


SBRH33 t1_j83hs7y wrote

That as a crazy trade. Ooooooof.


BottleTemple t1_j84ffkj wrote

I’ve exceeded my article limit and am not familiar with this person. What’s the issue with mural?


APettyJ OP t1_j84fzoo wrote

He no longer plays for the Sixers as of Thursday, so the mural, in a way, is outdated. It was made in partnership with Red Bull, and a wrist band is visible with their logo on it. Likely replaced, until Matisse graffiti tagged it with a "Thank You Philly! Matisse" Thursday night/Friday morning. Now owners of the building are going to let it stay a little while longer, and even if they replace mural may keep his graffiti tag with the new mural in some way.


BottleTemple t1_j852vlk wrote

Ok, so he’s leaving the team and they would probably have replaced the mural, but now that he’s tagged it they may keep it. What’s the significance of the Red Bull bracelet? Could Red Bull force them to keep it up because they sponsored it or something?


APettyJ OP t1_j85e2g6 wrote

Back in 2021 Red Bull partnered with the Sixers where, for every steal Thybulle recorded in the season, Red Bull would donate $250 to Phila Parks and Rec to fix up city basketball courts, as part of their "Red Bull gives you Wings" slogan. Mural was painted to commemorate that partnership. From what I've seen it was just for that season, so probably no repercussions for replacing the mural.


c0lin268 t1_j862e7h wrote

Its a cool mural and its cool he signed it but it needs to be replaced. At the end of the day Thybulle isn’t a significant enough player and itd be silly to keep a mural up for a guy who averaged 2 points a game and refused to take the covid vaccine


porkchameleon t1_j84zrsr wrote


I never heard about this guy or anything he's done for Philly (unlike that deaf Eagles guy who still does a lot of charity work).

