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[deleted] t1_j9ud859 wrote


apatheticwhiteguy t1_j9ukp6p wrote

And so attracting more people with cars to your neighborhood that is already congested is a good idea?


OnionBagMan t1_j9v5kxw wrote

Yeah he probably thinks a parking garages would reduce traffic or something. Also Fishtown was never meant to be a suburban car town that people commute from. People used to walk to the other side of Front and work in the factories.

With things like WFH I do not think Fishtown should be trying to attract car owners as residents. I’d rather more business density to offset the need to travel outside the hood.


owenhinton98 t1_j9vedyo wrote

I tried to start leaving my car at my moms house 20 miles away in the suburbs, and honestly it’s been working great. Luckily I don’t have a job that requires one at the moment (but there’s a chance I do end up getting such a job in the near future so it may change) but living in fishtown and only using septa and sidewalks has been going well thus far.

It would definitely nice to densify business around the neighborhood a little more, it would be nice to not have to either walk 7 blocks or take a 2 minute $2 bus ride every time I had to get groceries or go to a drug store; otherwise I can’t complain and I implore other car owners/users in fishtown to try this if you have the means. You may find it pays off well 🤷‍♂️