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all_akimbo t1_j8xverz wrote

The thing the article leaves out is how much money the hospitals save by having these workers because the cost of residency is payed for out of Medicare. UPenn covers a small percentage of what it costs to pay residents while getting 80 hours/week of free doctor labor.


[deleted] t1_j8y3ys8 wrote



all_akimbo t1_j8y49pc wrote

It’s like socialism for the admin sector of health care, both at hospitals like Penn but also insurance companies, pharma, etc. I don’t have the figures to hand but the size of the admin sector at most medical centers has grown tremendously compared to clinicians of any level.


McNinja_MD t1_j8y4qmi wrote

Oh I know. My partner is a DO and I've heard plenty about the hospital administrators and the... ahem... vital work they do for the hospital.

In this country we always have money for two things: bombs, and paying administrators to spend all day in meetings, justifying the need for their own positions.


Squashey t1_j8ykvkn wrote

Even the NHS staff of 1.2M is made up of 50% clinical staff and 50% admin/support…

Doctors are characters, only group of people I’ve worked with who strictly insist on being referred to as “Dr Doe, not John” by other adults/co-workers.


CharlySB t1_j8ynwhp wrote

I’ve never worked with an MD that insisted on that, and I’ve worked closely with a lot of them for over a decade. I don’t work in a hospital setting though, so maybe that is why.


toss_it_out_tomorrow t1_j90avef wrote

I find that in hospital/work settings, it's professional to do that. Refer to them as DR, same as you would in school with Dr or Professor. But outside of work, at functions or happy hours, the person would be a real dick if they still made you call them Dr when you're not on the clock


CharlySB t1_j91p49l wrote

I do work with them closely though. I work in drug dev tho, not in a practice setting.


toss_it_out_tomorrow t1_j91ween wrote

I've worked with a few in practice and clinical who did still prefer "Dr" even at the casinos for work parties. Some of them can be pompous (even while taking off their wedding bands to drunkenly flirt with whoever they can)


snooloosey t1_j90ai4b wrote

Keep in mind that residents don’t make much at all. Less than nurses in lots of cases


flamehead2k1 t1_j91lpul wrote

>Oh, and also publicly hang anyone who thinks...

This type of rhetoric is unacceptable regardless of ideology and if repeated will result in a ban.


c_pike1 t1_j8ynx7l wrote

80 hours /week is on the light side for residency in general. 100 hours/week averaged over a month is the cap, so you could realistically have a 4 week schedule of 120 hours, 120 hours, 80 hours, 80 hours while making ~$50-60k/year depending on specialty and location


moonunit99 t1_j8z9n8j wrote

I believe the official cap is now 80 hrs/week averaged over a month. At least that’s what every program I’ve interviewed at has said this application cycle. But in reality you work till the job is done. Hell, even as a medical student I easily averaged over 80 hrs/week over some surgical rotations and even when we all went home the residents were going home to spend a few more hours finishing their notes and chart reviewing for the next day. You’re also heavily disincentivized to report going over duty hours because if your program is repeatedly reported for duty hour violations they’re placed on probation and may eventually be discredited, leaving you hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt with no guarantee of completing your residency at another program. If you compare hours to salary most residents, especially in the surgical specialties, make a good bit less than minimum wage.


orpheus2708 t1_j927740 wrote

The 80 hours is in hospital time. If you’re lucky they’ll let you finish charting at home.


OhOhOhOhOhOhOhOkay t1_j8ztnq1 wrote

Work hour restrictions for US resident physicians is 80 hours/week averaged over four weeks not 100. Also a 24+6 hour continuous work limit.


SammieCat50 t1_j8y80cb wrote

This is every university hospital across the country….