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Cute-Interest3362 t1_j8yczef wrote

Hmmm...if only there were some model where people didn't make mountains of money off the sick and dying. Has any country thought of that? Probably not.


beanqueen88 t1_j8yd7an wrote

The ones that do are falling apart and most opt for private healthcare regardless


chr1os t1_j8yiof5 wrote

Bro what? Just not true.


electric_creamsicle t1_j8zy9h2 wrote

The article about Canada is for the option for folks to pay for private healthcare if they want to. It does not say anything about the public healthcare system in Canada failing.

Regarding the first two articles, the NHS is struggling just like the private American healthcare system is struggling. We’re barely a year out from a global pandemic.

The US pays more per capita for healthcare than any developed country in the world. And it’s not even close. A few links doesn’t change anything.


beanqueen88 t1_j8yl4ch wrote

Actual journalism and facts getting downvoted. Classic redditors in their little bubble


svenEsven t1_j8ymi77 wrote

Give me 5 minutes and I'll post just as many articles saying the opposite. It's the Internet, it's easy to find confirmation bias.

Edit: only took me three minutes. It's wild, almost like different news sources are getting paid by different people to promote different agendas.

I used links to real articles! According to you that means you have to believe me and support universal health care now or you're just a reddit nephew.


rednib t1_j905itl wrote

Oh don't worry. He's one unexpected deductable away from wholeheartedly endorsing free public healthcare.


Mines_of_Moria t1_j91i1lc wrote

Exactly. The US med system may crush anyone who doesn't keep 500k+ ready for emergencies. Just don't have a crisis!