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beanqueen88 t1_j8yl4ch wrote

Actual journalism and facts getting downvoted. Classic redditors in their little bubble


svenEsven t1_j8ymi77 wrote

Give me 5 minutes and I'll post just as many articles saying the opposite. It's the Internet, it's easy to find confirmation bias.

Edit: only took me three minutes. It's wild, almost like different news sources are getting paid by different people to promote different agendas.

I used links to real articles! According to you that means you have to believe me and support universal health care now or you're just a reddit nephew.


rednib t1_j905itl wrote

Oh don't worry. He's one unexpected deductable away from wholeheartedly endorsing free public healthcare.


Mines_of_Moria t1_j91i1lc wrote

Exactly. The US med system may crush anyone who doesn't keep 500k+ ready for emergencies. Just don't have a crisis!