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DonQOnIce t1_j899tfi wrote

I honestly don’t get why you’d wanna be there for 12 hours. I’d black out from boredom drinking before the game and/or go bankrupt.


nucleosome t1_j89dwg1 wrote

Seriously. I don't have the physical endurance to handle keeping a table going for that long on a worknight.


RJ5R t1_j89gc6t wrote

for real

i'd say a substantial portion of those in line there have 0 intention of making tomorrow a work day lol


IntoTheMirror t1_j8a0gjk wrote

I already switched shifts with a coworker who will probably be too hung over to work tomorrow morning (I don’t drink so idc)


LagerGuyPa t1_j8b8xsv wrote

I made a deal with my guys that if they work an extra hour M-F Last week (5 hours) , Monday would be comp time (8 hours)

worked well and I'll have a quiet morning to catch up on paperwork tomorrow


erdtirdmans t1_j8as4kz wrote

It's safe to say you are a recovered dirtball, you god damn angel of a person


nucleosome t1_j8a0nsm wrote

A wise decision. I, on the other hand, pushed my regular 1-on-1 with my manager to Monday at 9:30. He is a Bills fan and will have no sympathy


GTSBurner t1_j8ant5c wrote

I am working from home tomorrow but I already cleared the morning meeting schedule


Queeb_the_Dweeb t1_j89fc5e wrote

Can't drink all day if you don't start when you wake up!


erdtirdmans t1_j8as967 wrote

This is how I justify slamming a case per day while camping BUT I didn't drink at breakfast, so it's not alcoholism


Gabagoo44 t1_j89imkf wrote

I’d argue the same for tailgating at the Linc. I’m a big Eagles fan but no shot I’m drinking for 5/6 hours before the game, 1/2 maybe but anymore than that is just plain boring.


i-void-warranties t1_j8a4wbv wrote

Tailgating for 6 hours is a marathon not a sprint. Gotta stick with the Miller Lites or something similar. If you start hitting the hard stuff it goes downhill real quick.


redfern54 t1_j89xszb wrote

At least there you can throw a ball around/ make your own food / bring your own beer. But I’ve done like 2 all day tailgated in my life ha


SupaflyIRL t1_j89me7r wrote

They have capacity limits and people are going to stay the whole game. People are going to be out of luck if they don’t get to a place real early.

Get in early or watch from outside.


ThisHatRightHere t1_j89n52j wrote

But there are plenty of bars that offer reserved seating for groups. Like I’m sure most of the people in this line could’ve had a much easier time if they had any type of foresight.


SupaflyIRL t1_j89nbuu wrote

The people who make reservations for groups and the people who stand in line in the morning to get into a place are a Venn diagram with no cleavage.


ThisHatRightHere t1_j89pbtj wrote

Very fair. Just seems surprising to have people that think enough ahead to be out there first thing in the morning to wait in line but not reserve a spot somewhere.

Then again I’m sure this is mostly college kids and my brain definitely didn’t think these things out too clearly back then either.


SupaflyIRL t1_j89pssq wrote

It’s more norm than exception to have even a full group of like 20 full grown professional adults at prime time not bother to call ahead for even a random night out and just show up.

“Oh it’s not an event it’s just Jeff’s birthday! Anyway there are 20 of us and we’re gonna complain all night about how you’re having trouble accommodating this surprise (to you not Jeff, we’ve all known for weeks)!”

Source: service industry PTSD


LFKhael t1_j8ahtwl wrote

My high school graduation let out at like 10pm? It was a wednesday.

That IHOP went from dead to "Fire marshall's maximum stated capacity" in fifteen minutes.

At least two people quit instantly. The shift manager was cooking and coming out every five minutes to apologize.

We would have left but we were with people. :\


thelehmanlip t1_j8btq5v wrote

Upvoted you to 666 points. Hope that helps a bit on consolation.


WeebleWobb t1_j8a1g7j wrote

Most of philly places did presale tickets. Its a marathon not a sprint