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markskull t1_jar72zo wrote

Here's myself:

Semi-detached twin house, about 1100 square feet (more likely 1700 when you include the basement):

  • 1700 Square feet
  • 73° 24/7
  • Central Air unit, so no radiators just pushed heat
  • $289 at the highest for a month

That's about the average for me, too. I don't lower it at night since it just forces the heater to worker harder when you push it up, and I try to keep it fairly stable over the day. The back of the house needs more insulation overall, though.

I don't have any solid tips, but I decided to see if PGW offers any energy audit services. It looks like they do for low-income residents, but I would also say check out this company, ECA, and see how it goes when you ask for additional help.