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Genkiotoko t1_jawafam wrote

I saw it yesterday. This year is the best it has been in quite a while. All of the exhibits were hits in my opinion. The candy lane section was particularly cool. My one comment on the floral displays is that more than usual exhibits had queues to properly view them. You won't need to actually go through them to see them, but a couple are worthwhile to do so.

The vendors have changed a bit from prior years, yet most have remained the same. The tourism area in the corridor has shrunken drastically, but the activity/kid areas have grown.


Overall I would say this flower show is worth the price. It is just a matter of whether you like conventions and whatnot. People will talk about the size of the vendor area, but in all reality that is how every single event and expo is.


themightychris t1_jawfikw wrote


damn this is the key info I was looking for, usually you could easily drink your whole ticket price lol


Genkiotoko t1_jawh3hr wrote

For real. It was an annual tradition I had, and it absolutely made the flower show more worthwhile.

The info booth I asked just straight up said it was because "too many drunks cause too many problems." Still, they could of limited the size to make people less inebriated afterward. I wouldn't be surprised if Aramark was lobbying for the demise to increase their sales.


giddygumdrop t1_jb0cchg wrote

But getting drunk and harassing the green mountain electric people was my yearly tradition


JennItalia269 t1_jawlnk0 wrote

Use code electric23 to save money.

Promo email from Wells Fargo center. Didn’t say how much though.

I don’t do the flower show. I went once and left since I couldn’t breathe.


noblehoax t1_jawtdp5 wrote

I just tried this looks like 3 bucks on 2 tickets.


JennItalia269 t1_jawxphc wrote

Every little bit helps. Explains why they didn’t put that in the ad.


stargirl23__ t1_jaw2wb6 wrote

I went yesterday and it’s beautiful, I would say yes if you have the money


IvanStarokapustin t1_javzvje wrote

The flower show was on a downward slide before Covid. My wife was a very loyal attendee but we stopped going after a while. More and more of the show was taken up by vendors than exhibits over the years. And not even plant vendors.

If you haven’t seen the show other than the outdoor thing, might as well give it a go and judge for yourself. But I’ll pass.


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_jaw4zh5 wrote

I haven’t been in over a decade what are the vendors trying to sell?


IvanStarokapustin t1_jawaaq5 wrote

Sometimes plant stuff, flower food, etc. other stuff is Shamwows, cleaning solutions. Same crap you see at other shows. A lot of the exhibits are landscapers so “flower show” in some ways is a bit of a misnomer anyway.


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_jawany1 wrote

Okay at least it’s flower related, I’m not sure what I was thinking , I was thinking like Knick Knacks and stuff.


IvanStarokapustin t1_jawb3u5 wrote

It’s fine if that’s what you’re going for. But if they’re asking people to drop some meaningful $$$ for a flower show and a third of the floor is people selling crap from Billy Mays infomercials, I’m sort of passing.


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_jawcxq1 wrote

It’s been a long time since I was there, the last time they had a bunch of those bushes that were cut up to look like dragons and animals and other stuff. I thought that was pretty cool . I’m probably not going to be buying anything , maybe a house plant or something if I found ow that was cheap and looked cool.


calebnf t1_jaxf83x wrote

Yeah I went when they had it at FDR park in the summer. Besides being hot as fuck, I also thought that way too much of the space was being taken up by vendors. I had never been before, but that was very disappointing.


riotincandyland t1_jaxa038 wrote

Do the vendors sell flowers? Or can you buy actual flowers there?


IvanStarokapustin t1_jaxavxg wrote

They sells seeds and bulbs. Or at least they did. Probably a couple of flowers around. They have some flower pots. My wife got inspired to do a banzai tree some years ago and bought some various supplies for that.


9thPlaceWorf t1_jawsxlt wrote

If you enjoy nature and art, and want to experience something quintessentially Philadelphia, it’s worth doing at least once.


1moreRobot t1_jaxcmdq wrote

I didn’t go this year. Every year I’ve gone, I would have rather spent the day at Longwood Gardens.


ApresMoiLuhDeluge t1_javyw2k wrote

it's hard to say as this is the first time in a few years it will be indoors again? I didn't think the outdoor show was worth the ticket price, but the indoor used to be? so hopefully I guess is my answer. but I have no idea until I go this week - I can report back I guess!


YoItsMeBeeOhBee t1_jawfwlm wrote

Do you like flowers? Yes.

Do you dislike flowers? No.


wovenloafzap t1_jawi4f8 wrote

Now that it is back in the Convention Center, yes!

It was lame when it was outdoors at FDR. But it's much cooler inside (I know that seems counterintuitive, but it's true...)


timbrelyn t1_jawukpz wrote

I agree. I missed the incredible flower smell when you walked in the convention center when it was in FDR. I’m so happy they moved it back. I appreciate seeing all the flowers so much more in March. In June it’s not as special.


thetealappeal t1_jaysnhn wrote

Supporting the horticultural society for $50/year is not that bad for a day event. This event helps funds other initiatives so if you have ever appreciated another PHS space or PHS-tagged tree throughout the year I would say it's worth spending. It will obviously be more busy on evenings and weekends so a day trip through the week is best.


Dickenstein69 t1_jawc11r wrote

Yes it’s amazing! And what you pay for a ticket is effectively a 100% donation to PHS. Can maybe even use it as a tax write off.


flamehead2k1 t1_jawe47x wrote

Typically not a write off if you get something out of it but a portion may be considered a donation for tax purposes.

If so, PHS will include that info in your receipt.


eaglewatch1945 t1_jayo6er wrote

Do you enjoy being shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers, slowly shuffling past displays, hoping to get close enough to admire them and read about them while trying to avoid getting in everyone else's Insta-story?


g_d15 t1_jaw22b2 wrote

No, it’s mostly vendors selling things. So $50 ticket plus possibly spending way more on vendors.


Userman17 t1_jawvgeq wrote

I recommend getting the membership that comes with two tickets.


accountforquickans OP t1_jaxh8na wrote

Looked this up and it says it comes with a discount for the flower show not free tickets


Userman17 t1_jaxqjpq wrote

Then they must have changed it. My bad. Prepandemic you got two tickets. I believe another user posted some other benefits of the membership but that sucks you don’t get the free tickets anymore.


apathetic_panda t1_jawx1ff wrote

This is the only correct answer.

Still generally, no. But, paying in advance for the annual plant 🪴 giveaways and access to the PHS special gardens & libraries could be worthwhile... If you’re into proper use of spades ♠️ & hoes -but at that point you'd be looking to get featured as opposed to spectating an enormous grift.

Edit: Those membership tix also come with a guest discount.


AwesomeHorses t1_jaxwiqe wrote

Not if you have a pollen allergy. My mom took me there once as a kid and I instantly felt sick. On the way home, I vomited a ton on the train. The flower show sounds like it would be cool for people who aren’t allergic to pollen, but I had a pretty awful experience.


Intrigued353 t1_jaysnsd wrote

Yes!! It is really good this year. I did a display and win a second place ribbons.


Xobl t1_jaxmhmv wrote



Revolutionary_Bee700 t1_jazneqy wrote

It’s great. Remember, it’s a fundraiser for PHS, not just a “bang for your buck” experience.


sb0918 t1_jb0807e wrote

Go to longwood gardens instead.


Meowmeowmeow31 t1_jaw1ncb wrote

I always thought so, but I haven’t been since 2018. Idk what it’s like since COVID.


Hetjr t1_jb71xh9 wrote

We went yesterday. Was pretty good. Not my favorite displays and floor layout, but we had fun. More activities for the kid, too. She got to make a flower crown and succulent terrarium. Also, got a nice city pic


rrfloeter t1_jawga6b wrote

No. I went and it’s so very very boring. If your from outside the city maybe an excuse to go into center city and hit up a cool restaurant in Chinatown or something after, but in my opinion is was boring af


HonnyBrown t1_jaxt1k6 wrote

Find someplace that offers free tickets or giveaways.


trolltollmoney t1_jay9oa0 wrote

Depends. If $50 is kind of a big deal then no, unless you love flowers/art. You might end of spending more money with parking, snacks, drinks, and want to purchase anything from vendors. It smells wonderful, would def put a smile on your face to see the beautiful displays. It will be crowded. Not crazy though. I think it’s pricey, but again depends how you want to spend your money and time. Do you like art? There are some amazingly talented works. When I was broke, no, def not worth $50. Now a little more stable, I might not even go, not sure yet.


medievalhedgehog t1_jaya543 wrote

A lot of community/township centers will have discount tix. Also, check at Acme, they usually have discount tix.

If you can go during the week, do that for smaller crowds. It's beautiful, and it's worth going at least once in your life.


Irrelavent1 t1_jb09r4g wrote

My BIL was a volunteer there for years. He used to get 2 complimentary tickets as a reward. Then one year they cut him back to one ticket. He had to commute there via SEPTA every day on his own dime. They lost his free labor after that, and I don’t blame him.


Jaded-Trainer12 t1_jayo7mw wrote

Depends. If your used to going every year yes. But I'd the show made moves to do something different for a more enjoyable time maybe it's worth checking out for the hard core customer and here is a chance to get new ones on board


SaveTheWetlands13 t1_jayshhz wrote

I LOVED IT when I went before, but that was pre-covid when I still lived in the area. Based on my experience tho, I’d say so.


IntheTrench t1_jayskvg wrote

I haven't been in a few years but it's usually a good time.


SwagSloth96 t1_jaz6tkz wrote

Definitely, and then you can come to our DIY succulent terrarium booth at the artisan row.


AskMoreQuestionsOk t1_jb18l1i wrote

I guess it depends. Is it the best I’ve ever seen at Philly? No. Is it the worst? Also no.

Did I get some new ideas for gardening this year? Yes. I might do a tropical garden theme in my yard this year, so they had some fun exhibits on that that gave me some ideas. Did I like the vendors? Yes, there seemed to be a good variety. I’m more into plants and seeds myself.

Do you like to look at all the competition exhibits? I do. I don’t know how the judges come to their conclusions sometimes but I enjoy trying to guess. Do you like orchids? I am. There were an incredible number of them on display at the entrance.

If you don’t enjoy these things, then give it a pass. If you do, you’ll have a good time.


trostol t1_jb7g1jm wrote

50 bucks,....sheesh


cdcphl t1_jb7zr04 wrote

Went yesterday and thought the theme this year was done amazingly well. It’s worth it if you are into plants and art!


RowdySuperBigGulp t1_jaw4ghx wrote

Are a few breakfast sandwiches Grubhubbed to your house worth 50 bucks, probably not but people are gonna do it anyway.
