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kekehippo t1_je9jwi6 wrote

Less bad publicity because as you know people are idiots and will leave their kids in a locked car in summer with the windows up. If I were the casino I would hedge people's idiocy to avoid headlines like "Dead children locked in car in front of Casino"


nalgene_wilder t1_je9lexc wrote

People, particularly casino regulars, aren't going to be turned away in the unlikely event someone leaves their kid to die in a car. When has that ever hurt a company's business?


FrankTank3 t1_je9zpxl wrote

New development, construction, or change of ownership are all subject to government oversight and involvement. If I owned a casino and wanted to start a new project subject to government interference, I’d rather do it when the public wasn’t pissed off at me and likely to put political pressure on politicians to “do something”.

And then some suit sees a chance to look like a hero and loudly fucks up what was supposed to be normal quiet business as usual.


Lyeta1_1 t1_je9m1wm wrote

Casinos know this doesn't reflect badly on them, only on the person who left the child. No reason to take on childcare liability.


fuckouttaheawiddat t1_je9m1bc wrote

It may end up being worse publicity since it would look like enabling people with gambling problems. Checking for kids at the parking lot entrance may work though


oliver_babish t1_jea0kdn wrote

Especially if there were no limit to how many hours in a 24h period you could leave your kid there.


Ams12345678 t1_je9uo0x wrote

That won’t stop gamblers from going to the casino.