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B-BoyStance t1_je7r74u wrote

Bro I literally had a guy run into my car on Market (fraud), and he was laying in the street for like 20 minutes.

911 wouldn't answer. People freaking the fuck out at me thinking I killed a guy.

Cops show up 20 minutes later, tell me they don't have time for this, and when a very nice witness came over to tell them the dude was running in traffic for a while, they finally decided to call him an ambulance as a way to get him to leave.

This story pisses me off.

Edit: And if the very nice employee/owner of the restaurant that provided video to me or the woman who stood by with me for 30 minutes is reading this - you have no idea how thankful I am for you. Thank you. I think the only reason I got through that is because I was so damn mad at the guy, and aware of what he did/the fact I caught it in time to stop. I was able to keep it together just long enough. If you guys didn't come out to help I probably would have gotten arrested.

Edit 2: And also sued


babywithahugedick t1_je84erk wrote

Yeah this story is actually genuinely infuriating. Who the fuck cares if Danielle Outlaw got in a fender bender? Her life is worth more than mine because of her job, which she isn't even good at?


coxie0520 t1_je7ttlv wrote

It’s unfortunate nobody could 302 this guy for continually jumping into traffic.


lissssxo t1_je8gmu4 wrote

That would be a miracle in this damn city. I had a man call my phone at 2am saying he was going to end his life. I’m a previous 911 dispatcher and I kept him on the phone for 3 hours. Text to 911, they disconnected on me twice saying “just tell him to call the suicide hotline.” Never sent me an officer to my house. I drove to 3 different districts and ultimately ended up at the mans house, which was miraculously 20 minutes away from mine, that I found his address and provided to PD to do a wellness check, and told the sergeant “I’m not leaving until you help him.” They took him immediately when they realized I was the one on the phone and if they didn’t take him, I was going to.

This city is a joke when it comes to mental health.


thereisnodevil666 t1_je9eqmg wrote

It's a joke when it comes to police doing fucking anything, other than getting paid a salary to do real estate on the side, or getting reinstated after violently assaulting citizens due to FOP pressure. I've never heard a story of pigs happily helping someone who asked for it, even when they presented evidence.


FistfulOPubes t1_je8i18q wrote

That’s such a frustrating story. You’re a good person.


lissssxo t1_je8i7ci wrote

Thank you. Frustrating isn’t the word, I didn’t get home until 630am that day. He’s the only person I ever got to meet after 3 years of both helping and losing people over the phone. In a weird way, I think it was some type of closure. I hope he’s doing well now.


futurelullabies t1_jea2be5 wrote

you could be bleeding out and philly PD will tell you they dont have time for you and then go get donuts and fuck off in their cars to scroll on facebook.