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rossdowdell t1_jb2k7tl wrote

Because the wind couldn't possibly blow that somewhere outside the sacrosanct boundaries of yellow tape.

Get a fucking ladder and remove that before someone gets beheaded!


ScottishCalvin t1_jb2siwe wrote

So blocking the cycle lane

Has anyone ever actually seen these bike lanes being used? I'm serious, half of a major arterial connection shut down for a bike lane. I live next to it and I think I've seen 3 bicycles in the last however months it's been since they did that work.

Nobody shopping at the tile+brick places uses a bike. Nobody buying produce for their restaurant is doing it via bike. Nobody travelling from 22nd street to Target is buying groceries on a bike

A trolley would have at least made sense, as would have a safe bike lane on Christian


Sunset_Bleu t1_jb2tir5 wrote

Ohhh that's where Le Viet is. Wow I never knew that and I Doordash from them all the time.


southwest40x4 t1_jb30a60 wrote

I saw a dude in an eighties headband and short shorts jogging in place waiting for the light DIRECTLY under this today. The motion of the sign at the time could best be described as a jerking wobble. I felt as if I were witnessing a “crispin glover gets his arm chopped off” bit from Hot Tub Time Machine in real life.


3a8rvuaPZ9t t1_jb314zi wrote

Gotta love how someone took the time to block everything off instead of just fixing the sign in the first place.


twooclocknaptime t1_jb353e1 wrote

I saw a cyclist stop under it yesterday. He looked up and stared at it like a deer in the headlights.


Crazycook99 t1_jb3e61n wrote

What’s the over/under on how many days till fixed? I want in


TheFAPnetwork t1_jb3g2ut wrote

It's still winter. The project was done late Fall.

Let's cook with your idea of a trolley on Washington Avenue. Should i fold my shopping cart after shopping at the tile store when I get on the trolley, or do you think the operator will open the back doors so that I can pull my cart on from there? Will your magical trolley be in the center lanes like Girard Avenue? Or will they ride along the sidewalls where trucks load and unload and where people double park?

So in your mind this trolley is installed. Where does it loop around and come back? Or does it go into infinity a place where you can't be bothered; until you need it for where you want to go?


artnym t1_jb3ob43 wrote

It's not falling. It's climbing.


ScottishCalvin t1_jb3ty91 wrote

- My point about the tile store was that vast swathes of the road are hardware places and the cycle lanes will remain a deathtrap to those unwilling to negotiate around semi-truck making a delivery. London tried throwing in some half-assed bike lanes (into its otherwise decent scheme) and those ones are super dangerous because they fool casual users into thinking that they're safe when they're far from.

- Trolleys? I would put them in the middle like Girard, leaving delivery space for all the commercial vehicles that by necessity need to park close to the curb. I would do a loop around a block at Broad St and have them turn onto Columbus, doing a loop around near Ikea. It would encourage a shit-ton of riverfront development and at that point any large projects being built south of Oregon would require the developer to chip into extending the line as a precondition to rezoning


acesilver1 t1_jb3xwcp wrote

It is still good. Though I wonder if they get enough business to stay in business. It feels like the location is out of the way enough where people don't go to it because there's nothing else around it.