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Chimpskibot t1_jbc6iwm wrote

Exactly, people think Philly is NYC lite and will be just like whatever neighborhood they moved from. While Philly's cultural scene is growing with new galleries and other things many of the activities young city folk do in Chi/DC/LA/NYC are missing here. Especially late night food/drinks, DJ sets, Pop-ups, markets, Trunk Shows, etc. Also Philly is not nearly as transit accessible, which really confines those without cars to only a few neighborhoods and many of those neighborhoods are not as built out as NYC. I mean lets be real the same 5-10 neighborhoods are always recommended on this sub and they are all in greater CC or the northwest!


WhyNotKenGaburo t1_jbcf40q wrote

No, Philly certainly isn't NYC lite, and nor should it be. It always cracks me up when people compare Fishtown to Williamsburg or Bushwick. Philly does have its own thing going on, though, and has a lot of potential to be a real creative center on the East Coast. At 50, I'm too old for clubs, but what I would like to see is a more robust art/experimental music scene that isn't dependent on bringing people in from NYC, which is what seems to happen. I mean, I like seeing my friends do stuff here but I already see most of them when I'm in NYC for work 2-3 times a week.