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NoWarButMyWar t1_jebf8yk wrote

The property owner doesn’t have a valid up to date rental license and has open L&I violations. Which judge signed off on this in the first place? It was an illegal eviction.


poncythug t1_jebrx90 wrote

The article states

"Court records show the landlord alleged more than $8,000 in unpaid rent, but ultimately reached an agreement with the tenants last May that no money was owed, the tenants would move out by January, and the landlord would make necessary repairs."

So I'm assuming the tenant didn't have an attorney and agreed to the deal in mediation which means the judge never even heard the case. The landlord's attorney likely knew they didn't have a case if what you said is true, and thus was willing to waive so much back rent on the condition that the tenant just surrenders the premises.


[deleted] t1_jeca8be wrote



NoWarButMyWar t1_jecqrbl wrote

What you posted is the source. The same source eviction defense groups use actually, the L&I site. This person was probably eligible for eviction diversion but the city does piss poor outreach in making that clear. You need a valid rental license to even file an eviction, but people still get evicted extrajudicially or sign over their right to fight it in court in exchange for rent forgiveness. End of the day someone was SHOT IN THE HEAD for refusing homelessness.
