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Stak215 t1_jebfu8j wrote

Or here's a crazy thought, don't fucking pull a knife out on someone who is trying to evict you for not paying your rent to the tune of $8,000 after you already went to court and were ordered by a judge to leave the apartment.

You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.


mennobyte t1_jebgasw wrote

Read the article again. It didn't say the person shot had a knife. It said there was a scuffle involving a knife (they claim) but not who the scuffle was between or who was holding it.


Stak215 t1_jebnkvx wrote

Okay, keep living in that fantasy world of yours. The bottom line is, the people should have vacated the property as ordered by a judge instead of trying to figure out a way to screw over the landlord even more and creating issues and getting aggressive with the officer whose job is to evict them since they won't do it themselves.

They fucked around and found out and you want to somehow turn this around into it being the eviction officers fault.


mennobyte t1_jebqi5z wrote

The article literally says that there is no statement that the person who was shot had a knife.

And it was not an officer, as the article also made clear, it was an armed private contractor in civilian clothes.

If anyone is living in a fantasy world, it's not me.


Stak215 t1_jeca9lg wrote

The headline literally says landlord tenant OFFICER. That is his title to which I referred to him as. Then goes on to say allegedly the woman had a knife so my comments stand until the article is updated to say it was proven there was no knife.

You have a good night.


minze t1_jecdjuj wrote

From the article: >Landlord-tenant officer shoots woman in head during eviction, police say
>A Philadelphia deputy landlord-tenant officer shot a woman...
>The incident took place inside the Girard Court Apartments in Sharswood shortly after 9 a.m. Lt. Jason Hendershot, of the Police Department’s officer-involved-shooting unit said ...
>Philadelphia courts rely on a private attorney, appointed by Municipal Court’s president judge and known as a landlord-tenant officer...
>This attorney deputizes private security contractors...

Not sure which article you are reading to say "it was not an officer, as the article also made clear, it was an armed private contractor in civilian clothes". Yes it was a private contractor but yes, they are an officer, deputized and the article made abundantly clear


mennobyte t1_jecf1if wrote

They are not law officers (police) they are mall cops. They don't have the training, I'd say they're not accountable but neither are the police.

Saying officer confers them the status of being law enforcement. They were not anymore than blackwater is the us military


minze t1_jeevkls wrote

Agreed but they are recognized officers. there are many different types of officers that are deputized. Law Enforcement Officers are the ones we most commonly refer to but they are not the only types of deputized officers. Hell, we have multiples types of those around as well, Septa police officer, Temple police officer, but there are also non law enforcement officers around. Correctional officers, Court officers. So the blanket statement of "And it was not an officer" is totally incorrect. They are officers. they are not law enforcement officers (i.e. police).


themadcaner t1_jed9ooz wrote

You cannot read. Lt. Jason Hendershot works for the Police Department and made a statement regarding the incident - he is not the person involved in the shooting.


minze t1_jeeuw46 wrote

and that is exactly where reding comprehension comes in. Which department does Lt. Jason Hendershot work for? He works for the...the Police Department’s officer-involved-shooting unit.

No, he is not involved in the shooting. His department, the one that investigates officer involved shootings, is the one handling this. I knew it would be missed so I bolded that statement but apparently it wasn't enough for people to understand.

You are literally arguing that the person is not an officer because the department that is investigating it is the one that handles officer involved shootings.

Reading comprehension my man. reading comprehension.