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joggle123 t1_jb9y9ln wrote

I got a half cord delivered by a dude on Facebook for 180 I’ve had enough for fires the entire winter and gave some to my neighbors


Allemaengel t1_jbag7dm wrote

I heat my entire house with a woodstove using scrounged wood I need to cut, split and stack.

I'd add that that list of no-go woods includes anything still green; treated/creosoted/painted/stained lumber; and any conifer.


naked_macaroni t1_jbbejd1 wrote

The recycling center in fairmount park has free firewood but you have to cut it up yourself. BYO chainsaw


HerrDoktorLaser t1_jbc3yse wrote

There's a ton that gets offered up for free from various arborists across the city, and there are also a lot of undeveloped lots scattered around (especially in the NW) where deadfall is free for the taking.


Crackrock9 t1_jbdbtun wrote

Craigslist is a good place to look. I’ve seen listings for free firewood even, some people just have firewood that they want removed from their property