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ringringmytacobell OP t1_jdtuy0r wrote

As much as I’ve enjoyed reading and responding to all the comments to this, I appreciate the thoughtful response. That was my thought. Only reason I thought to ask is because this falls in something of a grey (or, ahem.. brown) area as far as what constitutes consumption.

The way I see it, simply existing will give you cancer these days. So I Midas whale have a clean asshole while I’m rushing towards the grave.


HistoricalChicken t1_jdu1tr5 wrote

Hey man I totally get it, I’d wanna be careful too. But look on the lighter side: They haven’t actually found any contaminants in the water supply yet so you’re still safe to use it no matter what. At least until they let river water in. After that they’ll have to test it first, but I digress. That’s why they issued the warning that it’s safe to drink until midnight. (I believe thats when they allow river water to mix and enter the treatment plants but I’m not an expert.)