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Leviathant t1_jddg3zu wrote

For six years, I've been voluntarily doing what Glitter pays people to do. Typically ~1/4 of the trash I bag is stuff left behind from municipal pickup.

The street trash issue is multi-generational & the city's solution is ripe for disruption.

Glitter monetized the process of activating regular neighborhood cleanups and I'm actually not mad. On extra bad days (think: diapers, needles, piss bottles) I think about Patreon/GoFundMe. But I never really follow through because, candidly, it's not my job and I don't want it to be my job.

On weeks where I've actually swept the street with my fucking push broom, our street corner looks cute - to me, it's an excuse to get outside, and I've met a bunch of my neighbors this way.

But hey let's hold out for an un-scalable job expansion to pay reluctant employees to half-ass it. Great.