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Chimpskibot t1_jdvm5lk wrote

Surprisingly, development is starting to creep up and past Lehigh. I agree once the viaduct falls as a no go zone for yuppies/artists/creatives most of Upper Kensington and the Lower NE will be developed its so obvious. A lot of the Fentanyl problem will pushed to Frankford as property values rise along the El.


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_jdvoo5h wrote

Thats good to hear, and at least some of this is my own perception that may not be shared by others.

But Lehigh itself is so pedestrian hostile that I find it hard to believe anyone is buying those new home on the far side up against the viaduct just east of Frankford. Yet it's happening, and I find the viaduct underpasses to be very pedestrian hostile, too. But I don't doubt there is development happening on the other side, too. I guess it's just a matter of how much relative to other adjacent areas.


jersey_girl660 t1_jdywh6e wrote

If you’re talking about the development townhouses I think you are… people are absolutely willing to buy them. Just need more businesses in some of the lower levels I think.


A_Peke_Named_Goat t1_jdzpgwb wrote

I don't what their official name is, but sandwiched in between Lehigh and the viaduct, starting close to Frankford and running to about Trenton. I assume we are talking about the same place.

And there is no accounting for taste, but you couldn't pay me to live on a 7-lane stroad, especially one that the city just had a chance to calm and choose violence instead. And even worse, that stroad cuts you off from literally every amenity within walking distance and you have to walk a bunch of blocks to get to a signaled intersection to avoid jaywalking, with one of those intersections being the absolutely maniacal frankford/coral/lehigh intersection? like I said, you couldn't pay me, because at that point you might as well just live in the suburbs somewhere. I feel the same way about that big new development on the river behind the thriftway shopping center.