Submitted by joshuaferris t3_11yqtc7 in philadelphia

Someone took my license plate. I reported it, but the plate earned five citations, while I was not in possession of it. Of the 5, I have only been granted one hearing. The others were denied because of a late application, honestly, I got them all in the mail on the same day.

I'm seeking advice from anyone who's been through this before. Should I simply pay the violations and move on? My council person's office said I was responsible for everything that happened on that plate up until the time of the police report. The police report takes 12 weeks to arrive and I expect it in May.

The mods removed a post about this topic a few weeks ago, so I'm hoping this one is within the parameters of the sub.



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[deleted] t1_jd8yyzk wrote

Damn , I’m getting the torx license plate screws now on Amazon! I already am having issues with people fucking with my van just because it sits in one place, it’s used as an RV (thinking of getting stickers that say that). Valid tags, inspection , registration , all that, just someone broke my side window and then tore the taped bag off after I taped it up… I simply shut another bag in the door if my work is going to keep getting destroyed.

Also boo on mods deleting posts that people should be able to make!


[deleted] t1_jd90aqa wrote

I don’t think I need all the extra parts that come with a set of those screws (caps n shit? Other tiny stuff maybe stickers, never done it figured just having the different bit is fine)

They wouldn’t let me mod because I’m not always civil, not always friendly, and I’d let shit slide on a sub that I guess they can’t risk…


dentduv t1_jd97bh9 wrote

The council person really said it’s your responsibility until the police report? Do they want to make life easier for thieves? I sympathize with you, I’ve been the victim of car crime here as well


_SundaeDriver t1_jd9f1mr wrote

My brother was getting tickets from someone who had the same license plate as him except he had a 0 and the other had a O. It took him hours of phone calls every time


frazell t1_jd9ltqt wrote

I haven't had this happen to me yet, but it is one of my biggest concerns given how accessible plates are.

I would start with PennDOT and see what they say.

If you get them to issue you new plates and cancel the old ones you should be good. I haven't read the full statutes in a long time (and I'm not a lawyer), but PA makes it illegal for you to be responsible for tickets from a stolen plate. As long as you have an affidavit for such. I believe that is issued by PennDOT.

The police report isn't enough on its own is my understanding.


LurkersWillLurk t1_jd9y7ew wrote

What agency issued the citations?

Try contacting your legislators in the General Assembly.


SgtKetchup t1_jd9zatq wrote

I think two dates are getting confused here - tickets are OP's responsibility until they FILE the report. It then takes up to 12 weeks to GET a copy of the report. I'm not sure what OP should do in the meantime, but they should be able to get rid of any tickets dated after the time they filed the report, eventually.


joshuaferris OP t1_jdcs2sq wrote

This is correct. The violations happened in mid-January. I received them in late February. I filed a police report on February 22. The council person's staff person said I was liable for all violations on that ticket prior to 2/22.