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point_breeze69 t1_iu28o40 wrote

This should be a crime like in other cities. If a person loses a gun they have legally registered and fail to report it missing/stolen that person should face consequences. This single law change alone would stop a huge illegal gun racket that goes on in Philly.


DelcoPAMan t1_iu3s1kb wrote

Yes. Unfortunately, the gun owner lobby at the state level has repeatedly stopped laws like that.


McNinja_MD t1_iu5ai5l wrote

That's cause being responsible and reasonable with guns is just the first step down a short slippery slope to communazis taking your guns and then sending packs of 30-40 5G-controlled feral hogs to tear your family limb from limb for their adrenochrome! SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! /s