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SourCeladon OP t1_itxkrdo wrote

Right?! Sadly, I’m still working tomorrow. No day off. But at least I get money instead of negative money from having to pay for parking.


DoctorSumter2You t1_itxtqrg wrote

Wait, why if you have a free day off? Do you need to be at the office ?


la_vidabruja t1_itxuesl wrote

Some people don’t have the benefit of PTO, and so don’t get paid if they aren’t at work


Smasa224 t1_itxujb2 wrote

They are paid hourly, probably does not get paid for taking a day off for jury duty (not usually something companies pay for employees not considered "full time")


DoctorSumter2You t1_itxv36o wrote

You both are correct. For some reason I thought the FSLA required PAID time off for Jury Duty. It requires unpaid and the courts can decide to pay you if selected.

Sorry, I've only been on a jury once in my life and my job at the time paid me for it. I see now I just had a convenient employer.


Smasa224 t1_itxvdma wrote

Yup, I've been called in numerous times over the years... Some jobs will pay, some won't. The one that hurt me the most was 3 days where I was working full time hours, but not technically considered full time by my employer, so I didn't get paid.... Had to pick up overnight shifts to make up the difference... Terrible week. I was not a juror you wanted on your case.. I was cranky


DoctorSumter2You t1_itxvqmj wrote

Wow, that's so unfortunate. It doesn't help that the courts only pay a few dollars per DAY for each day served. I was on a criminal trial for 2 or 3 days and I think they paid us something like either $18 per day or $18 total.


SourCeladon OP t1_itxv00a wrote

I’m hourly, not salaried. My boss and I decided to play jury-chicken and keep me on for tomorrow just in case I wasn’t needed. So yeah, no day off. But at least I won’t lose income.


DoctorSumter2You t1_itxvggy wrote

Yea, I understand now. I misunderstood the Labor Laws around Jury Duty. The law is you are required to allow unpaid time off if necessary, so in theory you could've taken the day off and not get fired or reprimanded for it. For some reason I thought it was a paid requirement.


SourCeladon OP t1_itxvlnb wrote

Paid would have been soooo niiice :)


cockytiel t1_itz96xe wrote

I used to but we had to give them the check we got the city. It was like $9.


SourCeladon OP t1_itzb6w0 wrote

I always thought it was weird that you got paid for jury duty. Why bother with such a small amount? It’s kind of a slap in the face considering not all employers pay you for the time you have to take off (I’m poor but I make more than $9/day) and then pay for parking/transportation on top of that loss. I’m sure there’s a reason, but I have a feeling it probably doesn’t apply to my employment situation.