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Desjardins99 t1_it3zpiy wrote

40 ATVs in a couple block radius šŸ˜³

This might be the most effective way to get the bikes off the streets. Even if the suspect isn't at the address when the warrant is executed still confiscate the bikes since who ever is there probably won't have paperwork


FDE3030 t1_it40wbm wrote

While you may be right in this case ā€œjust take and ask questions laterā€ is not how the government should be treating its citizens.


justanawkwardguy t1_it42z6v wrote

You're absolutely not wrong, yet the situation in this city is so bad that this is a good thing. Some of those bikes might be legally owned, and if so they can get them back. However, the majority are most likely illegally owned and should not be on the streets


kilometr t1_it4ewh6 wrote

I thought that possessing an atv in the city is illegal, even if itā€™s registered.


aguafiestas t1_it4kwzj wrote

You canā€™t ride them on streets, but I donā€™t think itā€™s illegal to just have one.


MEB_PHL t1_it4qx3j wrote

Youā€™d have to have it on private property and trailer it to your destination so not really seizable anyway. If an ATV is in a public alley or street parked, it is ā€œon the streetsā€ for all intents and purposes, they should take it and return with citations after proof of ownership is provided.


mistersausage t1_it4msfz wrote

They prob can seize them as evidence at the crime scene and make the person who owns it come claim it, but if it's the weapons people who own it, they'll be going away for a long time.


erdtirdmans t1_it5vyj5 wrote

If it is, it shouldn't be. I hate the ATV kids but someone could store it in their house/garage in Philly for transport and use on vacations/weekend fun

It's about the only thing you can fit in a Port Richmond garage anyway


rushrhees t1_it48ypx wrote

Fuck these people take those atv and scrap them. If no registration and that is fair game to impound


EnemyOfEloquence t1_it4op0e wrote

Do dirt bikes have registrations? It's like a bicycle if it's not for street use. You have no way of knowing someone doesn't just take it to a track. Stealing people's shit isn't the way to do this.


a-german-muffin t1_it54zyg wrote

They do, surprisingly, although not through PennDOT. The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources handles them ā€” either for an off-road reg or a private property only reg.


puckpanix t1_it55zs5 wrote

If they have a VIN, which almost any motorcycle does, thatā€™s connected to the title whether the owner has ever insured and registered it for street use or not. So they have registrations and tags only if the owner has gotten them.


a-german-muffin t1_it5iqea wrote

You can only get tags for street-legal bikes (the wheelie crews are rarely on those) and definitely not ATVs.


Fragrant_Joke_7115 t1_it4pbgr wrote

Jeez. smfh. Boo hoo. If many were lacking proof of ownership and probably anything to make them street legal, the police can take their time to sort it out.


porkchameleon t1_it4e2ol wrote

> is not how the government should be treating its citizens.

They forgot to ask you.


throwawaythedo t1_it6ka2e wrote

If the cops took my legal ATV (I donā€™t have one), in an effort to remove illegal ATVs from the streets, Iā€™d be ok with that - especially if I was going to get my ATV back. Shit, Iā€™d even be ok with being collateral damage.
