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JWHISKY707 t1_itmex91 wrote

"It was not immediately clear how, or if, the committee’s report might influence any decision by lawmakers on when or whether they might seek to impeach Krasner. Lawrence said the committee would continue its investigation and prepare a final report before the end of the legislative session that will include recommendations."

Its just a report to report how the investigation is going. The final report will carry a recommendation.

Also the Inquirer is trash which uses click bait headlines and quotes itself basically.

"Instead, the 63-page report takes aim at aspects of Krasner’s tenure, highlighting issues including a declining conviction rate, an increasing number of firearms cases being withdrawn or dismissed, and high staff turnover, seeking to link those issues and others to the city’s ongoing gun violence crisis."

Pretty normal stuff


AgentDaxis t1_itpxr3q wrote

Do you honestly think they're going to go through with impeachment AFTER the midterms?
