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Golden12345 t1_iufvj8b wrote

> But these guys still have the nerve to strike every few years and ask for more money from taxpayers when they make an average of $26 an hour to drive a bus around and still can't do it properly.

Nerve? "Ask" for more money from taxpayers? Puh-leeze. You have no idea. Don't blame SEPTA. Place it squarely where it rests: On the TRANSPORT WORKERS UNION.

See, this is what happens when a union has you squarely by the balls. Toss them out on their ears for people who actually want to work (and work harder/better/faster in exchange for more money or a promotion)? Hell, dare to tell them no on anything? Out on the picket line they'll go until YOU learn YOUR lesson.

Rinse and repeat...year after year after year.

When will it change? When taxpayers finally get fed up enough to say, "Enough of this nonsense. We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take [TWU's] antics anymore! They've gotta go, and they've got to go. NOW."

But we haven't reached that point yet.